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  1. Blog25th Jul 2024

    Image of landmarks in Norway alongside our blog about Norwegian Tax

    Norwegian Tax Assessment Notice: A Guide To Understanding

    Following submission of a 2023 Norwegian tax return for individuals under the general taxation scheme once processed by Skatteetaten (the Norwegian tax office), a Tax Assessment Notice (TAN) will be issued showing the final position for the year.  The Norwegian…

    By Carol Sim

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  2. Blog2nd May 2024

    International payroll and double taxation blog image

    International Payroll And Double Taxation: How To Navigate

    In today’s interconnected world, many individuals and employers operate across international borders and this can lead to complex tax implications, especially in relation to payroll.  One significant challenge which consistently arises is the issue of double taxation as well as…

    By Craig Burnett

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  3. Blog9th Apr 2024

    Scott VerStrat

    Understanding employment taxes in the US

    Considering how relevant they are in our day-to-day lives, employment taxes can be very complicated to understand. As the employer, it’s your job to deposit and report employment taxes and prepare and file Form W-2. This is used to report…

    By Scott VerStrat

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  4. Blog4th Apr 2024

    Carol Sim, author of blog about Norwegian Income Tax Returns

    A Guide To Navigating Norwegian Income Tax Returns

    An important Norwegian tax reporting consideration for individuals who have worked in Norway or offshore on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (unless the individual is taxed under the Norwegian PAYE Scheme) is the requirement to complete and file a Norwegian income…

    By Carol Sim

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  5. Blog27th Mar 2024

    Tammy Weishuhn

    How to pay Independent Contractors in the US – a step-by-step guide

    It is important to remember that an independent contractor is a worker who does not work for your company, but is on a contract basis instead. Make sure you have correctly classified your workers before considering paying them as a…

    By Tammy Weishuhn

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  6. Blog18th Mar 2024

    Claire Bruce, author of blog about employment tax reporting

    Employment Tax Reporting Deadlines: Are You Prepared?

    The 5th of April is fast approaching, which brings the array of end-of-year reporting to HMRC! We have compiled a list of the key reporting deadlines which your business may need to be aware of in the upcoming months following…

    By Claire Bruce

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  7. Blog15th Mar 2024

    Becki Diamant, author of blog about Payroll Benefits In Kind

    Short Term Business Visitors (STBV) – Are you compliant?

    Are you thinking about taking advantage of the expertise of those based overseas? Do you already have staff coming to the UK for short periods of time to undertake specific pieces of work or to attend meetings? Now more than…

    By Becki Diamant

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  8. Blog7th Feb 2024

    Rhianne Stewart, Employee Benefits Senior Manager

    Is It Time To Upgrade Your Employee Benefits Programme?

    It’s officially a new year. 333 days of growth opportunities for your business. While you’re looking ahead to the new year and planning for 2024 it is a great time to also think about your employee benefits programme. In its…

    By Rhianne Stewart

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  9. Blog2nd Feb 2024

    Niamh McKenna, Payroll & Employment Taxes Manager

    Reclaiming National Insurance Contributions on car allowances – Have the rules changed?

    When it comes to NIC on car allowances- we would always advise that you don’t leave money in HMRC’s pot. HMRC have not appealed the upper tribunal judgement on their case against Laing O’Rourke Services Limited and Willmot Dixon Holdings limited,…

    By Niamh McKenna

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  10. Blog29th Jan 2024

    Identifying what taxes are deductible or non-deductible in the US

    When dealing with the world of taxation, it’s important to know the intricate details so you can avoid fees and penalties. In this blog, AAB Payroll Inc. will focus on identifying what taxes are deductible or non-deductible in the US.…

    By Chris Hunt

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  11. Blog21st Dec 2023

    James Hunt, Gunhild Dam, Lynn Wilson, Lauren McIlroy, Stuart Petrie, Graeme Allan, Paula Fraser, Jill Walker, Gordon Steele, David Purse

    2023 Business Unit Year In Review

    Oxford recently released their word of the year for 2023 and it was “rizz”. If we had to pick a word for our year it would be ‘growth’. You might have heard us talk about our growth journey a time…

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  12. Blog30th Nov 2023

    Michael Smith, US Payroll & Employment Taxes Senior Manager who wrote the blog about US Employment Tax and Payroll

    US Employment Tax and Payroll- How To Have A Happy New Year 

    With Thanksgiving just passed and Christmas around the corner, the end of the US tax year can easily creep up on us. With just over a month to go, now is a great time to review your tax and payroll…

    By Michael Smith

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