About us

Diversity & Inclusion

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We care about our people and what they care about. Derek Mair, Partner and Diversity & Inclusion Lead

A place where everyone belongs, grows and thrives.

We want everyone to feel that the AAB Group is a place where they belong – from people starting out in their careers all the way up to those in leadership roles. This is also our ambition for our clients and everyone who interacts with us.

We also understand the power of diversity. We know that diverse teams are more innovative, can see things from different perspectives, are better at problem-solving and more agile in changing contexts.

Turning Commitments into Reality: Our Diversity & inclusion roadmap

Businesses are reflections of society, but we want to do more than mirror societal changes; we want to have something to say and substantiate our words through our actions and behaviours. We have developed our Diversity and Inclusion Roadmap to support this – shaped and driven by people across the Group.

We have developed a plan which centres on authenticity, to deliver something that is right for us and evolves with us. However, we know we don’t have all the answers, so we’ll be flexible, try things out and tailor our approach as we go.

Our priorities are to:

  • Demonstrate inclusive leadership
  • Educate, raise awareness and share knowledge
  • Attract and retain diverse talent
  • Create clear pathways and development
  • Use data to inform and measure diversity and inclusion activity

We have a Diversity and Inclusion Project Team and workstream leads to help us make our plans happen. They provide the guidance and help drive things forward, but in practice we know everyone at the AAB Group plays a key role in achieving our ambitions.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Project Team will continue to work with people across the Group to shape our diversity and inclusion work into the future. Our people are involved through being part of project groups and initiatives, having conversations around key topics and challenges, and providing ongoing feedback. We value everyone’s voice at the AAB Group. Together, we can help make our ambitions a reality.

Download our 2021/22 Gender Pay Gap Report here.