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Business Services

Whatever your particular area within the wide sphere of business services, you can be confident that we understand your challenges and can help you manage them, drawing on our experience and commercial insights.

Contact Joel Topham

  • Joel Topham
    Meet the team

    The team

  • banking. capital markets. insurance. investment management. Professional Services. Manpower & Recruitment. Private Medical.

    Who we can help

  • Accounting.  Audit. Compliance. Forecasting. Maximising Performance. Payroll. Tax. Succession Planning. Tender & Bid Support. Wealth Management.

    How we can help


While you focus on providing outstanding service for your clients, we concentrate in ensuring your business is in the best possible position to do so. Our support will be proactive and precisely in tune with your needs, wherever you are in your business lifecycle.

You would rightly expect that as a leading firm of chartered accountants, we are on top of our game in areas such as tax, audit and compliance. Yet we are also business advisors, determined to help you grow and achieve your objectives. Whatever the size of your business, whether you are local or international, you can trust our approach to be empathetic, constructive and committed.


It may seem obvious and it’s often stated, but it’s nevertheless true: we’ll be best-equipped to help you when we really know you. For us, the investment in time to think like you think and share your vision is indisputably worthwhile.

Although you may share challenges with other service-based businesses in this sector, many you face will be unique to you. Through our understanding of your business and our extensive experience across the sector, we can create and implement tailored strategies to deliver the outcomes you hoped for.


However high you’re aiming, to get there you must have all the fundamentals in place. Tax, VAT, cashflow management and payroll may not be the elements of your business that excite you most, but getting them right is essential to your success.

Our accountancy services are painstaking, thorough, effective and efficient. We’ve also invested in creating resources that can ease the pressure on you, such as our Virtual Finance Function (VFF) which outsources your key finance tasks. Going beyond data entry, bank reconciliation and bill payments, it also links you to our experts in areas such as forecasting and strategic planning – all integrated through a single point of contact.


There are several routes to business growth: organic, product expansion, partnerships, acquisitions and more. Our advice can help you decide which is most appropriate for you and when you are best placed to pursue it.

When the time comes, we’ll be ready with the support you need including M&A advisory, fundraising, transaction support and business valuations. This can be a distracting time, but our calm and considered approach will help you focus on running your business while we put everything in place to close the deal and help you look forward to sustainable long-term growth.


You may be looking for international expansion or simply a business exit and comfortable retirement. Whether your business is just you, family-owned or a national or international group, when it’s time to dispose of it or pass it on to the next generation, our skills and experience will minimise complexity, save you time and help achieve the result you want.

We will handle all the tax considerations whether company or personal, the financial aspects of transfer agreements, negotiate areas such as work in progress, draw up completion accounts and agree final proceeds. We can project manage the business transfer and help with issues such as succession planning where applicable. Simply put, we’ll not only help you achieve your ultimate goal but also do it in a way that gives you confidence and peace of mind.

proud partners of THE LAW SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND 

 “AAB provided information, joined us on online conferences with our members and created a portal to help our members self-serve themselves. AAB’s approach to supporting the Society is the very essence of our strategic partnerships delivering real benefit to members on their area of expertise. We are delighted to be working with AAB as we continue to help the profession recover and build financial resilience for the future.” 

– Paul Mosson, Executive Director of Member Services, Law Society of Scotland

  • To put it in the frankest of terms, had AAB not supported us in doing this we simply could not have done it as well as we did. AAB provided information, joined us on online conferences with our members and created a portal to help our members.

    Paul Mosson, Law Society of Scotland

  • AAB’s Corporate Finance team provided us with expert financial and commercial advice within an extremely tight window within one working day of it being requested. We were against a very tight deadline and without the team we would not have met it.

    Paul Mosson, Law Society of Scotland

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