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A partnership is a structure frequently favoured by businesses and entrepreneurs. Our specialists will advise you on your partnership and support you as an individual partner with your personal finances. 

Contact Jill Walker

  • Jill Walker
    Meet the team

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  • Entrepreneurs. High Net Worth Individuals. International Private clients.

    Who we can help

  • Personal Tax. Tax Compliance. Tax Planning. Charitable Giving. Tax Residence and Domicile. Property Tax. Scottish Taxpayers. Trust Planning and Family Investment Companies. International Private Client Tax. 

    How we can help


Partnerships and LLPs are ideal business structure for a wide range of sectors and activities, from agriculture to property, professional services to joint ventures. Their flexibility makes them popular amongst businesses and entrepreneurs, but they are subject to very specific tax rules which have become increasing complex. 

Our specialist team will use their knowledge and experience to advise your partnership and support you as individual partners with your personal finances. We’ll give you the peace of mind that your tax reporting is accurate and up to date and support you with proactive specialist advice to help you make decisions with confidence. 


General Partnerships are subject to much less regulations than LLPs. Two or more people can run a business together and share in its profits and costs, according to their partnership agreement. They are each taxed on their share of the profits as personal income. However, they each have unlimited liability for the partnership’s debts and obligations, including those of any partners who have since left the business. 

An LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) is a separate legal entity registered at Companies House and does exactly what it says: protects the individuals in the partnership from its debts and obligations. A possible exception to this is if an individual personally guarantees a debt or liability, to a bank or supplier. The LLP operates according to its registered LLP agreement, but the tax treatment is, in most cases, the same as a straightforward partnership: each individual’s share of the profits is taxed as personal income. 

There are other partnership options including a Limited Partnership and Scottish Limited Partnership and we can explain the benefits of these and which vehicle is most suited to your circumstances. 


Our experienced team can support all your partnership needs. We will:

  • Advise on structuring your partnership and the pros and cons of partnership or LLP. 
  • Explain partners’ individual tax liabilities to them, including advising new partners on the opening year rules, and identifying individual tax and financial planning opportunities. 
  • Manage the partnership’s tax liabilities to ensure only the correct tax is paid and sufficient tax reserves are maintained for each partner. 
  • Advise on the disposal of partnership assets or changes to partnership profit sharing arrangements. 
  • Help with exit strategies for retiring partners, including Capital Gains and Inheritance Tax mitigation. 
  • Help with accounts preparation, audit (for LLP’s only) and partnership tax. 
  • Help each individual partner complete and submit their SA100 Self- Assessment Tax Return, including page SA104 which declares your share of the partnership. 
  • Help you prepare and submit your VAT Returns if your annual taxable turnover exceeds the VAT registration threshold. 


Even if you are already self-employed and registered with HMRC, you will need to register the new partnership. Ideally this should be when you start trading, but certainly no later than 5th October after the end of the tax year when you started. If your partners aren’t already registered as self-employed, they must each do this too. 

Tax in a partnership or LLP is similar to self-employment; each partner is taxed individually on their share of the partnership’s profits. If you’re already self-employed, you’ll be familiar with tax based on profits and losses, and with putting money aside for the tax bill that will inevitably arrive. The difference is that now your expenses need to be included in the partnership’s accounts for you to benefit from tax relief on your share of the profits. The arrangement is similar for capital allowances on equipment or motor vehicles you buy for use in the partnership.  


Unlike Limited Companies, partnerships and LLPs don’t have directors, shareholders or guarantors. However, it is possible for a Limited Company to be a member of an LLP. In this case, the company pays corporation tax on its share of the profits, which can be withdrawn as dividends.  

To close a tax loophole, legislation was introduced to treat certain members in an LLP as Salaried Members who would be subject to same tax treatment as employees in companies, with PAYE, employer NICs, statutory sick pay and so on. To be a Salaried Member, they would have to fulfil three conditions, otherwise they would still be treated as self-employed members for tax purposes. We can explain this and advise if it affects you and how to mitigate against it. 

  • AAB's private client tax team deliver clear advice in understandable terms so we can appreciate how effective planning can lead to benefits for the whole family. They have taken away the worry and doubt for us.

    Alex Wiseman

  • I contemplated transferring my business to a limited company and I knew I could rely on AAB to make the process as straightforward as possible whilst providing the accounts and tax advice to enable me to make the right decision.

    Colin Brown

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