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Global Mobility

Ensuring tax compliance for your global workforce is a challenge, but we also see it as an opportunity. Our global mobility services help you take control more easily and give you full visibility of your global and mobile employees for greater efficiency. 

Contact Tom Gee


To build and sustain your international growth, it’s important to get talented employees on-site, wherever they’re needed around the globe. However, how individuals work and travel in foreign locations can create a variety of corporate and personal tax/social security issues. These can be surprisingly complex and costly, draining significant resources within your Human Resources (HR), finance and operational departments. 

With our clients’ individual challenges at the forefront of our service, our global mobility service focuses on helping businesses attract and retain the best worldwide talent and move people cost-effectively and efficiently. We’ll work collaboratively with global organisations or companies exploring new territories for the first time, ensuring your compliance obligations are satisfied, giving you clear visibility of where your workforce operates and any exposure this brings, structure policy agreements to safeguard all parties and identify tax planning opportunities.  


Global mobility is changing. We live in a world where geography is no longer a barrier to prompt and effective service delivery. 

We see workforce challenges not as a burden to growth, but an opportunity to achieve competitive advantage. Setting a clear direction, which involves key stakeholders from the outset and is tailored to your specific mobility systems and processes, enables us to provide effective ongoing support for your global mobility programme. 

Being aware of and planning for potential risks and exposure is paramount when operating internationally. So we’ll be proactive in keeping you up to speed with current guidance and legislation across jurisdictions, to give you peace of mind.  


Our dedicated team of specialists use a blend of skills to ensure our global mobility services support you throughout your organisation’s life cycle, from one-off projects through to complete management of your employment tax matters.  

We will:  

  • Prepare and submit reporting and calculations to overseas tax authorities and HMRC as required.  
  • Provide tailored advice and guidance for specific transactions to minimise cost and risk to the business. 
  • Be on hand to manage any queries raised by overseas tax authorities.  
  • Fully manage specific projects relating to legislation changes or case law outcomes. 
  • Collaborate with our Payroll and UK Employment Tax teams to address complex issues with your people, so that we can design, implement and maintain the right strategies for you  
  • Be there to support you in new locations and provide practical advice to help you get up and running faster. 
  • Provide practical support covering a host of areas, from tax efficiency and compliance to strategic advice, all focused on helping you get the best value from your investment in people. 


By using our deep understanding of all aspects of global mobility, we can create effective policies and procedures that deliver both regulatory compliance and competitive advantage.  

We provide: 

  • Global tax compliance and advice, including US, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Azerbaijan & Malaysia  
  • An extensive affiliate network providing reliable and up to date information and guidance in other overseas locations  
  • Advice on HMRC administrative concessions to mitigate double taxation and aid cash flow  
  • Employee and employer memorandums on the implications of working in new locations  
  • National Insurance and Social Security advice 
  • Assignee management  
  • Tax briefings and reports for individuals or across assignee populations  
  • Worldwide Tax Return preparation and advice  
  • Tax policy advice  
  • Employee tracking and global payroll compliance through our suite of unique custom-built dashboards 


Above all, our objective is to shift from the traditional model of reactive assignee selection to a more proactive, efficient and commercial solution. We add value to your business by: 

  • Minimising tax and social security costs 
  • Giving early warnings and identifying travelling employees who trigger compliance risks 
  • Identifying potential visa and travel costs 
  • Providing you with an interactive dashboard technology on a real-time basis 
  • Paying employees accurately on time and every time, wherever they are in the world 
  • Assessing tax reporting and withholding obligations globally 
  • Producing valuable data and analytical data for mobility, HR and finance. 

AAB’s approach is unique, and we’ll work with you to reduce your risk with stress-free solutions to global mobility, so the biggest question becomes where to expand your business next. 

  • AAB set up Foreign Tax Net Credit Relief for us through HMRC, making it easier to get double taxation relief. They also educated our offshore workers on the implications and process of working overseas and how this affects their UK PAYE position.

    Bruce Melvin, READ Cased Hole Ltd

  • I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending AAB to anyone else who, like us, may be struggling to get the expert advice required, especially when it involves coming back to the UK and managing tax aspects on overseas income and assets.

    John Bannerman

  • AAB have invested time in knowing us and as a result have been able to support us in improving our processes and systems. The team are always incredibly proactive in responding, price the offering fairly and deliver work that exceeds expectations.

    Julia Rank, St Mungo’s Community Housing Association

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