Charitable Giving

For many people, wealth is not an end in itself; it provides the means to make a positive contribution to society. The right planning can enhance the impact of your charitable donations and provide tax relief for you. 


Jill Walker

Private Client Partner

Who we can help


How we can help



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There’s an increasing emphasis on ‘wealth for good’ amongst those fortunate enough to have the means and the desire to support good causes. You may already know which charity or organisation you want to benefit or perhaps you need help deciding, in which case we can suggest how to choose based on an organisation’s Ethical, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria or through other research. 

Equally important, we’ll also advise on the tax implications of charitable giving, both to ensure your chosen charity can realise the maximum benefits from your generosity and so you can also benefit from the tax advantages designed to encourage giving. These relate to tax relief you can claim during your lifetime and by making charitable legacy provisions in your Will to mitigating Inheritance Tax for your family. 


Gift Aid is one of the most frequently used and easily understood ways to benefit UK registered charities and community amateur sports clubs (CASCs), which can claim a further £25p from the government for each £1 donation they receive.  

As a higher rate tax payer, you’ll also benefit. Your basic and higher rate tax bands are increased by the same amount as your donation, so more of your income is taxed at the lower rate. If you earn over £100,000 p.a., your tax-free personal allowance reduces by £1 for every £2 you earn above £100,000, but making Gift Aid donations extend it by £1 for every £2 of gross donation, again providing a tax saving.  

We can also advise on the optimum Income Tax reliefs available on lifetime charitable donations via the Gift Aid scheme, ensuring maximum benefit to both you and your chosen charity.  

  • I contemplated transferring my business to a limited company and I knew I could rely on AAB to make the process as straightforward as possible whilst providing the accounts and tax advice to enable me to make the right decision.

    Colin Brown

  • I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending AAB to anyone else who, like us, may be struggling to get the expert advice required, especially when it involves coming back to the UK and managing tax aspects on overseas income and assets.

    John Bannerman

  • The efforts of the team ensured that timely planning could be undertaken to the overall benefit of my family. AAB clearly demonstrated their expertise here and proved why it is always worth getting the best professionals on the job!

    Keith Fletcher

  • AAB recently helped my husband and I with appeals to both HMRC and the Norwegian tax authorities. They constantly kept us up to date with progress and were persistent in chasing up both authorities for refunds for us.

    Melanie McEvoy


As part of our Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning service, we’ll work alongside your legal advisor to provide guidance on how best to draft your Will to leave a legacy to charity, giving you assurance that your nominated charity will benefit at the same time as mitigating your family’s exposure to tax on your death.  

The amount of your donation will be deducted from your estate before IHT is calculated, reducing the amount of IHT payable. If your legacy leaves at least 10% of your net estate to charity, this lowers the IHT rate and further reduces the tax bill. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that your donation will also reduce the remaining value of your estate, so whilst less money will be taken by HMRC, there will be less to distribute to your beneficiaries.  

Find out about our tax services


We can also advise you on establishing a Charitable Foundation or Trust for long-term giving and tax planning purposes. This allows you to fulfil your personal philanthropic wishes, as you have control of the charity’s constitution and how the funds you provide will be used. It can also be useful as part of your succession planning, to help your children understand what’s involved in running charitable funds. 

The actual vehicle you choose will depend on what you want to achieve and a range of other factors including whether it will employ people, hold property, make contracts, etc. The options available are: 

  • Charitable Trust. 
  • Charitable company limited by guarantee. 
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation. 

Together we’ll discuss your aims and how you will fund your charity and its running costs, to work out the best vehicle for you. 


If you make non-cash donations to charity, you can reduce your taxable income by the value of the donation.

Non-cash donations include assets such as:

  • Land
  • Property
  • Fund investments
  • Listed shares

In addition, in most cases you won’t pay any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on gains you’ve made on those assets. We can give you further advice on this aspect of charitable giving.

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