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  1. Blog1st Aug 2023

    Seamus McElvanna, Senior Private Client Manager at FPM who wrote blog about income tax enquires

    Pandora Papers opens HMRC Offshore Tax Pandora’s Box

    The recently published Pandora Papers put offshore tax in the headlines once again. If you have undeclared offshore income or gains, it is important to act now. The Pandora Papers are thought to contain the names of over 750,000 companies…

    By Seamus McElvanna

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  2. Blog17th Jan 2023

    Lynn Gracie, Private Client International Tax Director, author of blog about tax domicile

    The hidden tax pitfalls of cryptocurrency

    If cryptocurrencies are not the most popular form of investment, they are almost certainly the most talked about. And no wonder – it’s thrilling stuff. Cryptocurrency is relatively new and mysterious to many people. A tantalising balance of high risk…

    By Lynn Gracie

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  3. Blog18th Mar 2022

    HMRC investigative activity is on the rise…

    Tax investigations specialists have long anticipated increased tax investigation activity following the suspension of investigation work by HMRC during the height of the COVID-19 crisis. We are now seeing evidence of this increased activity being reported and the rise in…

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  4. Blog28th Oct 2021

    Non Resident Landlords continue to own up to HMRC…

    Around 250 non UK resident landlords voluntarily disclosed previously undeclared rental income for 2020/21 to HMRC, via their ongoing “Let Property Campaign”.

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  5. Case Study11th Oct 2021

    corporate tax

    Corporate tax appeal for labour supplier in Norway

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  6. Blog10th Aug 2021

    Time is of the Essence for CCO Compliance

    The Legislation 

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  7. Blog7th Jul 2021

    Crypto Assets – HMRC seeking ownership declarations

    Following HMRC’s drive to aid the economic impact of the COVID 19 pandemic and a surge in recent enquiries into tax affairs of individuals and companies alike, HMRC have confirmed that e-money value transfer systems and Crypto assets are on…

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  8. Blog13th Oct 2020

    HMRC have undeclared holiday letting income in their sights…

    The 2019 financial statements for Airbnb have recently been published and include a note confirming that it will share data with HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”) about the letting income earned by its hosts in the 2018 and 2019 tax…

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  9. Case Study8th Oct 2020

    personal tax enquiry

    Personal tax enquiry for director of four companies

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  10. Blog11th Jun 2020

    HMRC Toughen Its Stance – Additional HMRC Task Forces & Criminal Prosecutions

    HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) specialist task forces are believed to have collected over £540 million in extra tax revenue in the last financial year. Since their inception in 2011 there have been well over 100 different task forces focusing…

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  11. Blog5th May 2020

    Successfully Navigating Disputes with HMRC

    With the many measures adopted during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has been supportive of businesses in the current difficult climate. However, this more helpful approach is different from the normal face HMRC presents to taxpayers. 

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  12. Blog20th Mar 2020

    “HMRC are not of course infallible…”

    The above quote from Lord Justice Lewison in the Leeds City Council vs HMRC Court of Appeal case plays a key role in the recent successful Aggregates Levy appeal of Lovie Limited [TC07606].

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