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  1. Blog29th May 2024

    Jim Warnock - author of Bounce Back Loans blog

    Practical advice about Bounce Back Loans: 8 key questions answered

    Business owners with Bounce Back Loans should be aware that the UK Government and lenders are taking a more active approach to recovering loans provided during the pandemic. This is because lenders need to recover the funds to repay the…

    By Jim Warnock

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  2. Blog21st Dec 2023

    James Hunt, Gunhild Dam, Lynn Wilson, Lauren McIlroy, Stuart Petrie, Graeme Allan, Paula Fraser, Jill Walker, Gordon Steele, David Purse

    2023 Business Unit Year In Review

    Oxford recently released their word of the year for 2023 and it was “rizz”. If we had to pick a word for our year it would be ‘growth’. You might have heard us talk about our growth journey a time…

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  3. Blog22nd Nov 2023

    Steve Rodden, Restructuring & Recovery Senior Manager 

    What happens if I can’t pay my Bounce Back Loan?

    What is a Bounce Back Loan? The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (‘BBLS’) was introduced by the Government during the Coronavirus pandemic, with the purpose of helping sole traders and small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) to survive the financial effects…

    By Steven Rodden

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  4. Blog18th Sep 2023

    Claire Smith, Restructuring & Recovery Manager who wrote a blog about members voluntary liquidation

    What Does Members Voluntary Liquidation mean?

    It can be a daunting time for business owners closing down a solvent business. Owners are used to having full control and dealing with all business matters, therefore understandably, we are asked many questions before and during the process of…

    By Claire Smith 

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  5. Blog7th Dec 2022

    Professional headshot of woman

    Court-sanctioned SME Restructuring Plan imposes cram down of HMRC preferential debt

    The High Court in London recently sanctioned a Restructuring Plan for Houst Limited despite opposition from HMRC, one of the company’s major creditors. Our Restructuring team explains the significance of the case. Restructuring Plans were introduced as a Business Recovery…

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  6. Case Study12th May 2022


    Charity benefits from real-time financial information

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  7. Case Study19th Apr 2022

    Woman sat at desk smiling

    Norwegian Group setting up in UK outsource accounting

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  8. Blog2nd Dec 2021

    Withdrawal of temporary insolvency winding up measures

    A number of temporary measures and restrictions on creditors were implemented by the UK government at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to prevent businesses being forced into insolvency due to the impact of various lockdowns and social…

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  9. Case Study19th Nov 2021

    Construction company restructures for future

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  10. Case Study17th Nov 2021


    Compliance cost saving for international company after restructure

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  11. Case Study27th Aug 2021

    succession plan

    Succession plan for Oil & Gas Tech company

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  12. Case Study29th Jul 2021

    property developer

    Property developer growth sparks restructure

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