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  1. Blog20th Oct 2020

    Postponed import VAT accounting – A Brexit plus point

    *Updated 4 March 2021*

    By Alistair Duncan

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  2. Blog15th Oct 2020

    A balanced energy transition: our responsibilities as leaders in the energy sector

    The Scottish Government’s announcement in the early summer of a £62million support package to help deliver a net zero future was warmly welcomed across the Energy sector. Not only does this respond to and show real commitment and support to meeting Scotland’s ambitious climate change targets, it also…

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  3. Blog13th Oct 2020

    HMRC have undeclared holiday letting income in their sights…

    The 2019 financial statements for Airbnb have recently been published and include a note confirming that it will share data with HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”) about the letting income earned by its hosts in the 2018 and 2019 tax…

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  4. Blog12th Oct 2020

    How to be seen to be green, without just a lick of paint

    The global focus and dependency on fossil fuels and shift towards low carbon energy has been building for many years, but it has only in the last 18 to 24 months become a leading agenda item in national and international political arenas. It has been projected into our public…

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  5. Blog7th Oct 2020

    Should you set up a family investment company to protect your family wealth?

    There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to protecting family wealth, passing this to future generations in an appropriate way, and at the ‘right time’. Setting up a Family Investment Company (“FIC”) is increasingly a popular…

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  6. Blog5th Oct 2020

    Succession planning

    Coronavirus Employment Support Measures – An Update

    On Friday afternoon the government issued some updates to the guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and published new guidance for the Job Retention Bonus (JRB) alongside how it will interact with the new Job Support Scheme (JSS).…

    By Katy Christiansen

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  7. Blog5th Oct 2020

    Corporate Tax Considerations to Maximise Cash & Retain Employees

    The past few months have been very challenging for the majority of businesses, large and small.  Not just locally or nationally, but on an international basis, requiring owners, managers and directors to juggle various important factors such as staffing levels, financing options and cashflow…

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  8. Blog1st Oct 2020

    Relocating from or to the US? Here are the key tax situations to be aware of

    Individuals relocating from, or to the US can face particularly challenging tax situations when compared to other jurisdictions, not least dual reporting requirements and very conflicting approaches to taxing the same sources of income or gains.

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  9. Blog30th Sep 2020

    M&A activity in family business sector

    As featured in The Scotsman Annual Deals Supplement AAB’s Edinburgh Managing Partner & Head of Deals in the Central Belt, Lyn Calder, reflects on M&A activity in the family business sector. Early 2020 activity In early 2020, before any of us…

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  10. Blog25th Sep 2020

    Don’t get caught in the post-Brexit customs net

    Scotland’s Food and Drink sector is vitally important to the Scottish Economy. Consistently Food and Drink is Scotland’s top export sector, latest HM Revenue and Customs statistics shows that, for 2018, food and drink exports totalled £6.3bn. Of this, £2.3bn were to the EU. 

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  11. Blog25th Sep 2020

    The Winter economy plan – what is in it for individual taxpayers?

    The last few weeks have been filled with speculation about what the Chancellor’s expected October budget would contain and everyone was braced for increased tax rates in some shape or form. However, with the budget now pushed back to the…

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  12. Blog25th Sep 2020

    Tech Sector Overview

    As featured in The Scotsman Annual Deals Supplement AAB’s Head of Corporate Finance, Douglas Martin, reflects on the busiest areas of the sector.

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