Relocating from or to the US? Here are the key tax situations to be aware of

BLOG1st Oct 2020

Individuals relocating from, or to the US can face particularly challenging tax situations when compared to other jurisdictions, not least dual reporting requirements and very conflicting approaches to taxing the same sources of income or gains.

Global financial transparency as a result of enhanced sharing arrangements between jurisdictions, such as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), does mean that it is more important than ever to obtain accurate and bespoke tax advice.

Our team have prepared a document focusing on the tax challenges US citizens and UK expats experience, including:

  • Tax issues for US citizens living in the UK
  • “Accidental Americans”
  • UK investments held by US citizens
  • US investments held by UK residents
  • US business interests held by UK residents
  • Non UK domiciled Americans
  • Managing global tax reporting and efficiencies

Find out more about our Private Client International offerings.

Our expert team can provide peace of mind, utilising specialist skills, years of international tax experience and established relationships with US partners to ensure all aspects of US and UK personal and business reporting are dealt with accurately and efficiently.


How AAB can help

Private Clients & High Net Worth Individuals

Our team support a diverse array of individuals such as employed professionals, business owners, families and international sports stars. As AAB clients, they all benefit from absolute confidentiality and share a unified goal of optimising and safeguarding their personal wealth. Our services extend far beyond mere tax return completion. In addition to standard personal tax compliance, our dedicated team of personal tax specialists delivers dependable and practical tax advice, ensuring full compliance and optimal positioning.

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