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Hotel Accounting

Our online hotel accounting software platform, set-up and run by hospitality finance professionals, brings all your financial and non-financial information together to provide live dashboards to help you improve your performance.

Contact Ian Bremner

  • Ian Bremner
    Meet the team

    The team

  • Hotels. Hospitality.

    Who we can help

  • Accounting Function. Automation. Daily reconciliations. Daily dashboards. Accounts Payable System. Monthly Management Pack. Audit. VAT.

    How we can help

Real time financial insights, for efficient hospitality

We specialise in providing a comprehensive hotel accounting software and business intelligence solution.

Here are just some of the services we provide:

  • Full back office accounting function
  • Automation – Income, Banking, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
  • Daily reconciliations – strengthening control
  • Daily dashboards – real time customisable Revenue and KPI statistics available on any mobile device
  • Fully managed Accounts Payable system – paperless order to pay system fully integrated to most major procurement platforms
  • Payments to suppliers and employees using French Duncan’s Bacs Bureau or online banking
  • Detailed Monthly Management Accounting Pack – tailored to your needs
  • Board Packs/Monthly Performance Reports – customised to your requirements
  • Full Balance Sheet control – reconciled each month
  • Audit support
  • VAT Management – including support for any VAT Enquiries

We already provide hotel accounting software services to more than 50 hotels in the UK and Europe, and we could do the same for you.


  • Highly automated, real time and customisable
  • Income, banking, accounts payable, accounts receivable – all fully integrated and automated
  • Integrated business analytics
  • Robust control environment
  • Integrated budgeting and forecasting
  • Scalable – local, national and global
  • USALI compliant


  • USALI format – detailed management accounts
  • Dashboards and business analytics
  • Interfaces: STR and GSS
  • Fully managed payroll
  • Daily flash reports available on mobile devices
  • Detailed monthly performance reports / management accounts
  • Benchmarking
  • Balance sheet
  • VAT
  • Budgeting and forecasting


  • Immediate performance appraisal from up-to-the-minute data
  • Benchmarking highlights areas for review and improvement
  • 24/7 report availability, in line with how your business operates
  • Save time through integration of systems
  • Robust outputs which always align
  • Improvement actions can be assessed quickly

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  1. Blog17th Jul 2024

    J'aininne Sinclair author of USALI blog

    USALI in Hotel Accounting: What is new in Edition 12?

    Last week marked the publication of the 12th edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI).  In this blog, we’ll look at what changes were made, and how they could affect you and your hotel business.…

    By J’aininne Sinclair

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  2. Blog21st Dec 2023

    James Hunt, Gunhild Dam, Lynn Wilson, Lauren McIlroy, Stuart Petrie, Graeme Allan, Paula Fraser, Jill Walker, Gordon Steele, David Purse

    2023 Business Unit Year In Review

    Oxford recently released their word of the year for 2023 and it was “rizz”. If we had to pick a word for our year it would be ‘growth’. You might have heard us talk about our growth journey a time…

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  3. Blog20th Sep 2023

    Photo of a man wearing a white shirt - Ian Bremner, AAB Hotel Accounting partner

    Nine benefits of hotel accounting

    Many hotel operators can be reluctant to enter a discussion about hotel specific accounting software. There is a common misconception that it is expensive, and that the owner or management company won’t have full control of their data. In today’s…

    By Ian Bremner

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