The importance of good Corporate Governance

BLOG15th Mar 2017

Management teams and Boards are increasingly under pressure to consistently improve and remain up to date with the latest legislation, technology and guidance on corporate governance issues as well as treating employees fairly, safeguarding assets and creating long term sustainability for the business. It can be overwhelming to manage all of these aspects in today’s environment.

However, every business must have the appropriate systems and procedures in place to be able to identify any risks, and safeguard the business from any internal or external threats such as fraud.

Anderson Anderson & Brown (AAB) training division’s specialist “Anti Bribery, Fraud & Corporate Governance” course is positioned to support HR and Finance managers who are looking to enhance their corporate governance and embed effective anti -bribery policies, and measures to safeguard their business from the threat of bribery, fraud and other types of wrong doing.

A defined policy and measures that are supported by senior management can:

  • Protect a business from the threat of fraud, malpractice and wrongdoing
  • Ensure compliance with relevant legislation such as the UK bribery Act
  • Demonstrate your commitment to ethical business practice
  • Encourage an open and honest culture

The course will provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the UK Bribery Act 2010, the consequences of failing to prevent bribery, the insider fraud threat, impacts of fraud, fraud prevention and detection methods and how to implement an effective whistle blowing policy.

AAB’s “Anti-bribery, Fraud & Corporate Governance” training course will be running on Tuesday 25 April 2017 at AAB’s flagship offices at Prime Four Business Park, Kingswells. Contact us for more information.

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