Going Global – The changing face of international payroll

BLOG23rd Mar 2018

This is the first in a series of Global Payroll blogs by Simon Porter, Assistant Manager in our Payroll and Employment Taxes Team.

Today’s businesses operate in an increasingly global environment, and as a result, globalizing operations has become a key focus area for organizations, in order to be responsive to their company’s growing needs.

Global Payroll is one of the service areas that is driving today’s business transformations, and has become an increasingly popular opportunity to uniform and standardise processes across all regions in which a business is operating.

Whether HR is responsible for payroll, or is a partner to finance in the delivery of payroll, it may be time to evaluate a new global payroll solution for your organisation.

Moving on to a more global payroll solution can ensure that you have:

  • A uniformed payroll input process and format across all countries
  • A uniformed end to end processes across all countries
  • Uniformed Reporting back to yourselves
  • Single point of contact, managing you end to end payroll process across all countries of operation
  • English and local language reporting

The main business drivers that have been making companies decide to move on to this solution primarily fall in to the following categories:

  • Service Level Challenges
  • Cost
  • Time
  • Global Visibility
  • Risk & Compliance
  • Lack of an International Payment Solution

In our next blog in the series, we will go into more detail on how AAB’s Global Payroll Model can assist your organisation with the above issues using our Plus Factor.


How AAB can help you with

Payroll & Employment

Accurate, efficient handling of payroll functions and employment tax are fundamental to your success. We help you get them right – easing your workload, ensuring compliance in the UK and globally, and keeping your employees satisfied. Our comprehensive services for payroll and employment taxes address all these issues and help you operate efficiently, confidently and compliantly. Whatever the size of your business, from start-up to global player, all the services you require from us will be tailored to your specific needs and integrated to provide seamless support.

View our payroll & employment service

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