Efficient & Effective Management of Employees Across Global Locations – a case study

BLOG2nd Mar 2018

Learn how AAB helped a client achieve efficient and effective management of employees across global locations.

A UK oil and gas company with significant operations across the globe came to AAB, seeking assistance in effectively managing its international reporting, tax obligations, payrolling and employee benefits across multiple jurisdictions. Fortunately, drawing upon a wide range of expertise, AAB’s Global Mobility, Payroll & Employment taxes teams were up to the challenge. In conjunction with the client, AAB were able to implement successfully a range of solutions whilst navigating the often complex world of international tax treaties and domestic tax legislation.

AAB’s proactive approach meant that we were not only able to minimise disruption to the client’s operations, but also able to add value by advising on specific ways to reduce their overall tax liability. This gave the client a competitive edge when tendering for future work and allowed them to focus on growing their business. Our client required a large number of internationally mobile employees to be transferred from their existing payroll to a new standalone payroll. Just some of the steps that AAB introduced to ensure a smooth transition were:

  • Integrating a new ERP system, to facilitate the automation of data directly to AAB, streamlining the processes from start to finish in an efficient manner
  • Providing ongoing advice and expertise through the means of an employee help desk to assist any employee queries, saving the client time to focus on their core business function
  • Maintaining a close relationship and comprehensive support network to deliver this project within 4 months

In addition to the new payroll system, AAB managed all international tax compliance obligations, taking over from a disjointed process which was utilising multiple advisors and struggling with language and time difference barriers. The client was concerned of the risks associated with failing to meet these obligations correctly, however we were able to reassure them that the process was in capable hands, providing our services as a single vendor for global compliance. We saved our client money by co-ordinating, completing and streamlining the entire process of employees’ tax liabilities in over 5 locations, implementing a bespoke structure tailored to the client to ensure all mobile employees’ tax liabilities could be monitored and accounted for accurately.

However, AAB’s support didn’t end there. In tandem with the transition to the new payroll system, AAB undertook a full review of employee benefits. AAB’s employee benefits team assisted the client by recommending best fit policies ensuring they would yield the greatest benefit for their money. Our team continually monitors the client’s auto-enrolment process for over 600 employees, providing them with peace of mind as they are confident they’re adhering to all new legislative requirements.

Additionally, having engaged directly with a number of talented individuals across AAB, the client also took advantage of our secondment service, selecting an individual from our audit department to assist with their short term staffing needs.



Global Mobility is changing – how robust is your policy? Watch our video below.

How AAB can help you with

Payroll & Employment

Accurate, efficient handling of payroll functions and employment tax are fundamental to your success. We help you get them right – easing your workload, ensuring compliance in the UK and globally, and keeping your employees satisfied. Our comprehensive services for payroll and employment taxes address all these issues and help you operate efficiently, confidently and compliantly. Whatever the size of your business, from start-up to global player, all the services you require from us will be tailored to your specific needs and integrated to provide seamless support.

View our payroll & employment service

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