Large Corporates. Multinational Companies. Smaller Businesses.


International taxes. Expatriate taxes & policy. Global Mobility Consulting.


Energy. Higher Education. Oilfield Services. Technology. Financial Services.


Karen Groat is a Senior Manager within our Payroll and Employment Taxes team. Based in Aberdeen, she works with a wide range of clients across many different sectors providing advice to employers to manage the compliance and risk for a global workforce.

Where companies have an international presence with employees working overseas, coming to the UK or even remotely now, Karen will confirm what the tax and social security implications are both from an employer and employee perspective to ensure all compliance obligations are met.


“The field in which we operate is incredibly technical and complex, which can, understandably, be really daunting for employers and employees alike. So, one of the challenges I face is to explain things in such a way as they are understandable for someone who isn’t necessarily an expert.

Whilst I do approach things from a technical standpoint, I’m practically-minded too; I can always see things from the point of view of the client. So this makes it a lot easier to break things down for clients, so that they can absorb the information and understand what we’re doing.”


Explaining legal detail, as well as pitching new and innovative solutions to clients is obviously far easier to do if you have a good relationship, because you know their level of prior knowledge, their area of focus, and their style and preference of communication.

But that’s not the only reason I like to maintain really solid relationships with clients. It’s important to me that I make sure my clients trust in my expertise and abilities, and that they feel confident that I can deliver exactly what I say I can. When you have a strong relationship based on trust, confidence, and mutual respect, it makes working towards a shared vision so much smoother and more successful. It truly does benefit everybody.”


“Despite the fact that I’ve picked up a vast amount of knowledge and expertise in my 30 years in this job, the field is constantly changing, so I have to make sure I stay up to date with all the latest advice and information out there. And taking into account the worldwide span of the field, this means staying up to date with each country’s individual, ever-changing tax legislation. So of course, that’s difficult, but I’m not one to shy away from a challenge.”


“Countries alter and adjust their legislations all the time, and clients are often surprised at how easily liabilities can be triggered by working abroad. To expect people who are not experts in international tax to keep up with constant policy adjustments in every country they may have a footprint in, on top of running their business – it’s too much.

That’s where the team and I come in. We ensure that companies are globally compliant – that they’re watertight from an employment taxes standpoint. This means they don’t need to worry about staying on top of international tax systems and can put all their focus and energy on running their business.”


“It’s hugely satisfying to be able to take that stress and burden off of my clients, to relieve the pressure of compliance. But we can do so much more than that – there is a tremendous added value that we offer clients.

While the major focus is on ensuring that our clients are compliant across the globe, our tech solutions also mean that clients can access real-time data visualisation analytics, allowing them to make informed, strategic decisions proactively. Use of our innovative technology means that AAB can provide market-leading global mobility management, which is just one of the reasons that it’s a really exciting time to be a part of a tech-enabled Group like AAB.”

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