Owner Managed Businesses. Start-ups. Company Groups. Entrepreneurs. Charities and Not-for-Profit Organisations.  


Corporate Tax. Personal Tax Group Structure. IR35. Innovations Tax including Research & Development (R&D). Employee Share Schemes. Remuneration Planning. Capital Allowances. HMRC Investigations and Disclosures. Employee Benefit Taxes.


Across All Sectors.  


Gillian Rushton is a Director within our Business Advisory team. Based in Glasgow, her role is incredibly wide-ranging. As well as looking after a wide ranging portfolio providing advice on compliance along with strategic tax planning, Gillian also provides advice on HMRC investigations and disclosures, employee benefit taxes, IR35 and Innovations tax, to name a few.

Gillian brings her experience to a number of AAB’s teams. In addition to sitting on our HMRC investigations team, she also sits on the dedicated Technology Sector team providing strategic advice to start up tech companies. Part of this role involves supporting our accelerator programme partnerships. She also plays an active role in mentoring and coaching of staff, as well as helping to grow the business.  


“Over the years, I’ve built up some very good relationships with my clients. If you can have regular contact and connect with someone on a personal level, as well as a professional level, that’s when it works well, building up trust.  

I don’t really want to just speak to someone once a year and then that’s it. I want to understand what their challenges are and help them overcome them. I want to be approachable. If I can take a complex situation and help make it simple for my clients to understand, that’s when I know I’ve done a good job.” 


“I would always say that my clients see me as proactive. If I see new tax legislation coming in, I’ll check who this may affect, then get in touch and see if we can get ahead of the game. I like to be on the ball – especially when it comes to deadlines. I’ll always meet them, but if I can reach them in advance then even better.   

At the start, clients come to us just because they need someone to do their books or sort out their taxes. But soon they realise we can do so much more than that – because we’re business advisors, rather than just accountants. And nothing beats being involved with a start-up and being able to help them grow and thrive.” 


“I have a lot of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm, but I think my biggest strength is the way I work with people. I really enjoy being involved in training and development. It’s not just about teaching people the technical knowledge from the start. The soft skills are really important too, such as time management, exam technique, or ways to approach a new challenge. I find that side of my work so rewarding.  

It’s a great compliment when clients want to continue working with me – that’s when I know I must be doing something right.” 


“With AAB, I love the fact that you can drive your career and make it what you want. If you want to further your career, then you can do so. Everyone is appreciated and supported to get the most out of their work. And that’s incredibly exciting.  

The work does have its challenges, of course. But because you’re in an environment that you want to be in, you approach any bit of work, whether it’s difficult or straightforward, in the same way. Putting the effort in to get the right result.” 

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  1. Blog13th Feb 2024

    Gillian Rushton, author of blog about HMRC One To Many Campaign

    HMRC’s ‘One to Many’ Campaign – Targeting Undeclared Dividend

    HMRC are now issuing letters to business owners under a ‘One to Many’ Letter campaign to target undeclared dividends payments. HMRC have been looking at company reserves and have noted that some are reducing but no dividends are being declared…

    By Gillian Rushton

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