Sole Traders. Company Directors. Family Businesses. Charities. Non-Profit Making Bodies. Corporate Group Companies. Start Ups.


VAT Advisory. VAT Compliance. Customs Duties. Due Diligence.


Energy. Construction & Property. Leisure, Retail & hospitality. Fishing. Not for Profit.


Debbie Smith is an Indirect Tax Manager, working out of our Aberdeen office. She helps her clients by providing business advice, in both the UK and overseas, that helps them to move on with a project or transaction, or by taking care of compliance matters so that they can get on with running their business. This primarily includes; VAT compliance obligations, advice regarding new projects and non-core business transactions, liaising with HMRC in relation to VAT and Customs enquiries and due diligence work for clients disposing of or acquiring businesses.

In addition to working with her indirect tax colleagues, Debbie collaborates with other teams across the business including our Corporate Tax team on joint advisory and due diligence projects, the Business Advisory Group on VAT compliance and client VAT queries and with Audit on charity client queries and annual VAT reviews for charity accounts.


“I thoroughly enjoy working with my clients and it’s great when they know they can reach out to me whenever they need help. The best client relationships come from us working together to resolve any queries or challenges, and one where we can build an enjoyable working relationship built on good communication, integrity and trust.

The most satisfying aspect of working with clients for me is knowing that I have had a positive impact in their working life whether it is because of providing clear and concise advice in an area they are not familiar with, relieving them of a problem or a time-consuming task, preventing a VAT loss or achieving a VAT gain.”


“The greatest challenge in Indirect Tax is keeping up to date with new legislation and taxes, changes to HMRC policy and the introduction of new procedures.  To make sure we keep on top of this as a team, we take part in regular team updates and discussions regarding these changes and how they are relevant to our existing Indirect Tax clients and the wider client base, always looking ahead.

In the Indirect Tax team we are continuously growing and the services we can provide to clients is expanding too. There is always something new to help clients with in this area and we are focused on keeping on top of this changing landscape for the benefit of our clients. I personally ensure that to do this in the best possible way I always provide a firm and steadfast approach when steering clients in the best direction from a VAT perspective and when dealing with HMRC.”


“I find the availability of mutual support and the sharing of knowledge within my own team and other teams at AAB the most satisfying aspect of working with colleagues. And, as AAB continues to grow our niche specialist area is being sought after by new parts of the business, in new locations and that brings with it a variety of new clients which is exciting. I find it rewarding to be able to provide this support and to also build new relationships.”


“With the variety of clients, potential clients and different services lines I deal with every day there is never a dull moment. Being in this profession also gives me an insight into what businesses are doing in relation to technological and environmental matters which I would otherwise not be aware of, tax really is so much more than simply number crunching!

Receiving thanks for handling situations that clients felt they couldn’t have dealt with alone is the best part of the job.”  

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  1. Blog4th Jun 2018

    EU VAT Refund Claims – Action needed

    Businesses operating or incurring costs within other EU member states will pay VAT on at least some of their costs. VAT rates across the EU range from 15% to 27% so even relatively small costs can result in a significant…

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  2. Blog3rd May 2018

    DIY Housebuilders – Don’t let VAT keep you from your dream home

    When it comes to building your dream home, we find that clients have enough challenges to overcome without a 20% VAT bill being an added burden. Fortunately, when building a home for you and your relatives to live or holiday…

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