Blog1st Oct 2024Rethinking Performance Management: 8 Questions To ConsiderAt AAB People, we are frequently in conversation with our clients about how to improve their performance management approach so that it’s not a box-ticking exercise or a rigid, annual process of evaluations. This is one of the questions we…By Jacqui JolmesView more
Blog23rd Sep 2024Grenfell Tower Fire Public Inquiry- 7 Key LearningsWe will all remember the horrific photographs and footage of the tragic fire that took 72 lives on 14th June 2017 and had a lasting impact on hundreds more who were affected by it in so many ways. The Grenfell…By Lee CraigView more
Blog18th Sep 2024VAT on Private Schools: 4 Key ConsiderationsThe UK government has confirmed significant changes to the taxation of private school fees, set to take effect from 1 January 2025. This applies to all fees paid after 29 July 2024 when they relate to school terms after 1…By Gabrielle ScotfordView more
Blog17th Sep 2024Working in Denmark: What Are The Key Tax Implications?Will your employees soon commence working in Denmark? Before embarking on an international assignment to Denmark it’s essential to ensure careful planning and consideration, especially when it comes to your UK-resident employees. We explore the factors surrounding income tax implications for…By Carol SimView more
Blog11th Sep 20245 Ways You Can Achieve Effective Performance ManagementFor years performance management has had a bad name. When people think of performance management they might think of the dreaded once-a-year (twice for those really lucky people) appraisal, where managers and employees met to discuss performance targets that were…By Anna PhippsView more
Blog7th Sep 2024R&D Tax Relief Claim Notifications- What Do You Need To Know?For accounting periods commencing on or after 1 April 2023, there is a new notification obligation to be considered by all companies seeking to claim R&D tax reliefs. The rules are intended to catch new R&D tax relief claimant companies.…By Ross ParslerView more
Blog4th Sep 2024Italy – One Of The Most Attractive Tax Destinations For The Wealthy Suddenly Got More ExpensiveLa dolce vita translates to ‘the sweet life’, and it’s far more than just a phrase in Italy, it really does represent an entire lifestyle associated with their culture and way of life. Italians have a particular appreciation of celebrating…By Lynn Gracie and Carol EdwardsView more
Blog20th Aug 2024Indian and Pakistani Domiciled Individuals – Are IHT Changes Coming?Is it time for Indian and Pakistani domiciled individuals to breathe a sigh of relief? The taxation of non-domiciled individuals has been a hot topic over the last few years, and has been at the forefront of many people’s minds…By Tom Andrew and Gunhild DamView more
Webinars & EventsPost- Election Tax PlanningIn this webinar, Jill Walker, Jarlath Devlin and Tom Andrew from our Private Client team discuss the tax changes we might see under the new Labour government, and more importantly how you can start planning ahead now. Fill out the…Date: 20th Aug 2024Time: 9:30-17:00Where: VirtualView more
Blog19th Aug 2024Fire Safety: 10 Simple Ways You Can Be ProactiveThe importance of fire safety cannot be denied. It’s essential that all businesses and organisations effectively manage fire safety in any premises they own, lease or operate. Being proactive with fire safety does not have to be an onerous task.…By Mark GirvanView more
Blog15th Aug 2024Workplace Culture: How Can You Overcome The 10 Silent Killers?Culture is often thought of as the lifeblood of an organisation. It encompasses the shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape how employees interact, make decisions, and approach their work. It influences employee behaviour, impacts engagement and motivation, drives overall…By Anna PhippsView more
Blog31st Jul 2024Everything We Know From Labour About The 2025/26 Non-Dom ChangesThis week we have received the first significant update from the new government on how the regime for non-UK domiciled and internationally mobile individuals may look under their stewardship. It’s helpful then, to revisit the initial proposed non-dom changes from…By Lynn GracieView more