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  1. Blog17th Jul 2024

    J'aininne Sinclair author of USALI blog

    USALI in Hotel Accounting: What is new in Edition 12?

    Last week marked the publication of the 12th edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI).  In this blog, we’ll look at what changes were made, and how they could affect you and your hotel business.…

    By J’aininne Sinclair

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  2. Blog16th Jul 2024

    Will Labour introduce A 4 Year Tax Residence Amnesty AAB image

    Will a 4 year tax residence amnesty attract Overseas Investors to help Labour’s plans for Economic Growth?

    Labour may look to introduce a 4 year tax residence amnesty to attract overseas investors to help them with their plans for economic growth. So, what does that mean? Foreign Investors – Who, what and where One of the recognised…

    By Lynn Gracie and Carol Edwards

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  3. Blog8th Jul 2024

    Image of sole trader who needs to make a payment on account

    What is a Payment on Account?

    Unlike the PAYE system, when you start working as a sole trader or have a new untaxed source of income (e.g. rental income, dividend income) you won’t pay tax as money comes in. Instead, your first tax bill is likely to fall…

    By Bev Holroyd

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  4. Blog5th Jul 2024

    Paula Fraser, Head of Private Client

    What does this historic election result mean for UK taxpayers?

    The result of the 2024 General Election will come as no surprise to pollsters, with Labour securing 412 seats – a landslide majority ending 14 years of Conservative rule. Inevitably taxpayers will be considering how this sweeping change in the…

    By Paula Fraser and Blair Hay

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  5. Blog26th Jun 2024

    Natalie Butler, Private Client Manager and author of blog about Income Tax Returns

    Income Tax Returns: 5 Key Reasons You Should Submit Early

    It is rare to find someone who looks forward to completing and filing their Income Tax Returns. For many, and for various reasons, it is usually something they put off for as long as possible.   The final submission deadline…

    By Natalie Butler

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  6. Blog25th Jun 2024

    Lynn Gracie, Private Client Partner and author of blog about non-dom changes

    Non-Doms Election Uncertainty: What Will The 4th July Hold?

    Our previous articles connected to the Conservative Government’s 2024 Spring budget, outlined the proposed changes for Non-Doms and new residents in the UK. These articles highlighted existing questions around the timing of implementation and in particular the lack of clarity…

    By Lynn Gracie

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  7. Blog18th Jun 2024

    Blair Hay, Private Client Senior Manager and author of blog about the 2024 General Election

    Taxing Times In The Election Campaign

    Last week marked a key milestone in the race for Number 10, with many of the major political parties releasing their manifestos for the next term of Government. Each of the parties’ fiscal projections includes plans for various tax rises…

    By Blair Hay

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  8. Blog11th Jun 2024

    Lauren McIlroy, Head of VFF

    Can A Fractional Finance Director Help Achieve Growth?

    One of the new trends we’re seeing in the finance market has been the rise of the fractional finance director. A fractional finance director is a part-time member of the team hired on a contractual basis. This director is then…

    By Lauren McIlroy

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  9. Blog7th Jun 2024

    Blair Hay, Private Client Senior Manager and author of blog about the 2024 General Election

    Keeping a Cool Head During Election Fever Will Pay Dividends

    Politicians up and down the land are currently pounding the campaign trail, following the Prime Minister’s shock announcement of a General Election of 4th July. The sense of impending change is inevitably unsettling for many, particularly as the election of…

    By Paula Fraser and Blair Hay

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  10. Blog4th Jun 2024

    Maria McConnell, Indirect Tax Partner and author of blog about VAT for sole traders

    Understanding VAT on Food: Key Cases and Insights

    VAT has been a continuance in the UK since the 1st April 1973. While many might have wondered at the time if it was an April Fools- the fact that it’s remained for the last 51 years states that it’s…

    By Maria McConnell

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  11. Blog30th May 2024

    Michael Smith, US Payroll & Employment Taxes Senior Manager and author of blog about local employer pension plan

    Local Employer Pension: Should You Sign Up When Working Abroad?

    Picture this: you’re working abroad in another country, for a temporary period. Everything is set up in your new location; housing, schools etc but one thing you’ve not thought about? Signing up for a local employer pension plan. So, someone…

    By Michael Smith

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  12. Blog30th May 2024

    Tracy Dickson, Private Client Assistant Manager

    High Income Child Benefit Charge: What Are The Changes?

    Touted as a victory for thousands of UK families, the rules on the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) have been updated. This blog outlines the changes below and explains how this may affect you.  what were the High-Income Child…

    By Tracy Dickson

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