E&P company seek support evaluating acquisition opportunities

Case Study2nd Apr 2020


Our client 

An early stage E&P company required support evaluating acquisition opportunities. We subsequently carried out due diligence on a potential African acquisition, identifying a number of issues around transfers in ownership. 

Our Approach 

  • Advisory work on proposed transactions 
  • Review of accounting systems 
  • Management reporting configuration 
  • Provision of accountancy services under a fully outsourced arrangement 
  • Financial/tax due diligence on potential targets 

The Outcome 

  • Identified a number of issues around transfers in ownership following due diligence on a potential African acquisition 
  • We supported the client by advising on potential acquisition targets appropriate to their stage in development 
  • We helped the client from an early stage to develop their growth plans 
  • We gave peace of mind by addressing all compliance obligations efficiently 


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