You Could Reduce Your Payroll Queries

BLOG28th Jun 2018

Why not encourage your employees to self-serve online by activating their Personal Tax Account (PTA), as many of the queries your employees bring to you can be answered in their PTA.  Fifteen Million people are already using theirs and is a simple way for employees to manage their tax affairs.

For those employees who have already activated their account they may not fully appreciate all the information available and what they can do within their PTA.

What can it do?

HMRC can only work from the information that has been provided to them, therefore if your employees have a change in their circumstances it is important that they update their PTA.

Individuals can:

  • Check income tax estimate and tax code
  • Fill in, send and view a personal tax return
  • Claim a tax refund
  • Check and manage tax credits
  • Check their State Pension
  • Track tax forms that have been submitted online
  • Check or update their Marriage Allowance
  • Tell HMRC about a change of address
  • Check or update benefits for example company car details and medical insurance

You can direct your employees to for details of how to use register and use their PTA.

To discuss this in more detail, or plan an update to your employees, please contact Charlotte Stewart ( or your usual AAB contact.

To find out more about our Payroll and Employment Taxes team, click here