The role of a Financial Planner

BLOG16th Sep 2019

Our clients have worked hard to build their wealth, and know where they wish to go. Yet, how do they get there?

It is not straightforward, with numerous tax-traps and continually changing legislation. It is not a one-off transaction – it requires adherence to a robust financial plan, with ongoing expert advice.

Your Financial Planner is here to help you achieve what is important to you and guide you through the financial planning process which is made up of three main stages.

The first stage is the initial discovery meeting where we find out about you – who you are, what your goals are and what is important to you. This snapshot of your current situation will provide the basis for your tailored financial plan.

Once we find out about you, we can then progress to the second stage. We will help you analyse and prioritise your goals, set realistic timescales for achieving these and formulate a plan so that you can meet your goals and objectives.

The only thing certain in life is change! Changes happen in your life, investment markets and legislation. These changes will have an impact on your financial plan which brings us on to the third stage – the review process. This is the most fundamental part of the process where you meet with your financial planner on a regular basis to review your financial plan and make any necessary changes to ensure that you remain on track to meet your goals.

Financial planning can be a very rewarding experience. The peace of mind attained from knowing exactly where you stand, removing complexity from your finances and bringing the future into sight. The comfort of knowing that you have a realistic, achievable plan in place which means that you can concentrate on doing what you do best – living your life!

We at AAB Wealth take great joy in helping our clients, and we would be delighted to talk with you.


By Alison Wishart, Paraplanner, AAB Wealth

To find out more about Alison and our Wealth team, click here.