The Brexit Breakfast Seminar

BLOG15th Nov 2018

AAB would like to invite you to join us on Thursday 6th December, 7.30am – 9.30am at The AAB Aberdeen Office, Prime Four Business Park, Kingswells, AB15 8PU for our Brexit Breakfast Seminar.

With the key Brussels Summit passing with a deal looking no closer to agreement and the spectre of a “No-Deal” looming ever larger, it is more important than ever that Businesses review their relationships with the rest of the EU. Following on from our previous Brexit Customs Breakfast event, AAB will provide an update on the “progress” to date, including a critical look at the “No-Deal” proposals issued by HMRC in August. We will provide our recommendations on the areas that businesses should be addressing now, looking at Customs, VAT and direct tax issues including some practical examples. We will also provide a brief update on other topical issues. We will finish up with an open forum where delegates can raise their issues and share their experiences to date.


The seminar is aimed at tax, finance and logistics staff who do business in other EU member states or are involved in cross border movements of goods. Space are limited and will go on a first come, first served basis.


To register, please click here.