Micro Tyco

BLOG28th Oct 2013

Micro Tyco is a business challenge set up and operated by the WildHearts charity. WildHearts provide microfinance to individuals in developing countries around the world which enables them to work their own way out of poverty. For the Micro Tyco challenge, teams are provided with £1 at the start of November and have until the end of the month to convert that pound into as much money as they can. No gambling is allowed and all transactions must be legal.

This will be the second year that a team of newly qualified accountants from Anderson Anderson & Brown have entered the challenge and we are paired up again with a team of primary 6 school children from Hazlehead Primary School. Although we are two teams competing against each other, we are due to have weekly meetings with the school children to trade ideas and help them with the business aspect of the challenge.

The team from AAB are currently sourcing donations for raffle prizes and a silent auction which will be held at their upcoming quiz night. Internally, they are about to operate a weekly soup kitchen at lunch time for office staff with a prize to be offered to the best soup of the month. More ideas are in the pipeline and will be revealed throughout November!