International payroll payments solution

BLOG3rd Oct 2018

More and more businesses are regularly processing international payments to employees and one of the service lines A2B can offer is the end-to-end process of your international payments.

A2B have a strategic partnership with HiFX, a member of Euronet Worldwide, who together with Ria and form part of the world’s 3rd largest money transfer business. This enables us to provide clients with the potential to save themselves and their employee’s money when being paid internationally.

The partnership gives us the ability to pay employees in 139 different currencies to 220 countries and territories around the world.  We can hold and manage the employee payment data and advise our clients should any banking legislation change. We can also create and provide bank files if preferred by the client.

HiFX can provide both exchange rates and fee levels that beat many of the high street banks, especially those in the UK. A slight percentage change in the exchange rate used can have a great effect on the end amount of money the employee receives.

A2B’s international payments service is there to help clients and we usually start by reviewing the current international payment process. We can then see if there are any ways we can use our service to help save you money, ensure the employees are receiving the most of the salary possible and provide a reliable and accurate end-to-end payment process.

If you require any further information or have any questions regarding international payments, please contact Gillian Kinnaird or your usual AAB contact.

To find out more about Gillian and the Payroll and Employment Taxes team, click here.