Are you looking to maximize the value of your business?

BLOG12th Aug 2014

If you are looking to sell your business, taking the time to ensure that it is in the best possible shape for sale is key to achieving a disposal which will deliver the maximum possible benefit to shareholders. A business which has a strong Management Team, clear Strategy and Business Plan for the future and optimised internal operations is much more likely to attract interest from a number of buyers and, therefore, ultimately secure a more appealing price on exit.

Preparation is key to success

If you are looking to sell your business there are a number of key pre-sale considerations to review. Think about what a potential acquirer would like to see – a strong management team, good financial performance, growth prospects, visibility of future income and a diverse customer base are just a few of the key elements to consider. Could your business demonstrate each of these to a potential acquirer?

In addition, at the heart of any thriving business, and key to ensuring that it maximises its potential, is a clearly defined Strategy. If you are looking to Exit your business, taking the time to define and document your Business Strategy provides an ideal opportunity to set a clear direction for the future of your business which will be key when marketing it to potential acquirers and assessing their strategic fit with your business. Our approach to Strategy at AAB is to break it down into meaningful elements with a focus on execution, delivery and value generation.

Don’t leave it to chance

Whilst many in business would agree the ultimate goal of any Exit Transaction is to ensure it generates maximum value for Shareholders, rarely is the process of preparing a business for sale given the time and attention it deserves. Many management teams are engrossed in the day to day running of their business and fail to take time to consider and plan how to ensure that the business reaches its maximum potential in terms of both profitability and marketability by the point of sale.

If you are looking to exit your business in the next 3 to 5 years, now is the time to start planning. By doing so, you can exit the business with certainty and peace of mind that due time and consideration has been given to maximizing the value of the business and therefore achieving the best possible outcome.