Westhill Men’s Shed

Thanks to the grant from AABIE the Men’s Shed has installed a high quality dust extraction system that can trap fine particles of dust. This  makes the Shed a safe place for our volunteers to work on projects that support…


Success Story6th May 2021

By Graeme Allan

Westhill Men's Shed

Thanks to the grant from AABIE the Men’s Shed has installed a high quality dust extraction system that can trap fine particles of dust. This  makes the Shed a safe place for our volunteers to work on projects that support local charities. Marty Kehoe

By Graeme Allan

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  1. Blog24th Apr 2020

    ‘Plan Ahead’ and the ‘Next Normal’

    When drowning in a daily ‘sea’ of new information, reacting to new data, managing the change to work patterns or indeed no ability to operate at all, you’d be forgiven for not adding to your already challenging day by diverting…

    By Graeme Allan

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