Shazam Theatre Company

“Shazam Theatre Company SCIO is so excited to be performing “Peter Pan” at Tivoli Theatre in June. This production has been made possible because of the generous AABIE donation and we are all very excited! This grant has helped us…


Success Story11th May 2017

By Graeme Allan

Shazam Theatre Company

“Shazam Theatre Company SCIO is so excited to be performing “Peter Pan” at Tivoli Theatre in June. This production has been made possible because of the generous AABIE donation and we are all very excited! This grant has helped us secure Aberdeens oldest theatre, which is a unique performance opportunity for the young people. Shazam musical juniors is open to young people aged 8-18 years old who are from all different backgrounds and abilities.” Marie Skene, Artistic Director, Shazam Theatre Company

By Graeme Allan

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  1. Blog24th Apr 2020

    ‘Plan Ahead’ and the ‘Next Normal’

    When drowning in a daily ‘sea’ of new information, reacting to new data, managing the change to work patterns or indeed no ability to operate at all, you’d be forgiven for not adding to your already challenging day by diverting…

    By Graeme Allan

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