Richmondhill House

“The projects from start to finish were well organised and planned so that the work was undertaken in partnership with the service staff and service users. Volunteers were keen to hear about the services, without becoming over involved, and understood…


Success Story3rd Nov 2016

By Lesley Connon

Richmondhill House

“The projects from start to finish were well organised and planned so that the work was undertaken in partnership with the service staff and service users. Volunteers were keen to hear about the services, without becoming over involved, and understood the benefit that their work would have to the service users and services. Maisies parents and the children have commented on how the Nature Garden looks much more attractive and inviting now that the equipment has been painted. Children (and parents) at Richmondhill love the “Bug Hotel” and again commented that the volunteers took on board their wishes and made them happen!

All staff and service users have been delighted with the input from the volunteers and would welcome them back for future projects.” Anna Garden – Director Children and Families, VSA

By Lesley Connon