Northfield Lodge

“The residents at Northfield Lodge have really enjoyed having the AABIE Volunteers visit over the past few weeks. The feedback from them has been very positive and they always looked forward to their visits. Highlights were the quiz, games and…


Success Story3rd Nov 2016

By Lesley Connon

Northfield Lodge

“The residents at Northfield Lodge have really enjoyed having the AABIE Volunteers visit over the past few weeks. The feedback from them has been very positive and they always looked forward to their visits. Highlights were the quiz, games and snooker tournament that the volunteers organised. Social interaction through activities is vital within our mental health services. The residents enjoy welcoming volunteers into their home and spending time getting to know them through chats and meaningful activities, which help in turn promotes their confidence, self esteem and independence. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their time. We all really appreciate it!”

“The general feedback about volunteers from the service users is they have enjoyed new people visiting the unit the guys at NFL said they liked the men that came in and played pool with them 29-9-16 they got involved with the service users and all enjoyed the pool tournament. So over all I think it was a successful effort.” Scott MacLeod, Operations Manager – Mental Health, VSA & Diane Finlayson – Team Leader Northfield Lodge

By Lesley Connon