Linn Moor Residential School

“Both groups of gardeners did an amazing job. The small group cleared a very rough patch of land just as you enter the school grounds. I wish that we had taken a before and after photo as they made such…

A group of people holding up a poster they had made.

Success Story2nd Nov 2016

By Graeme Allan

Linn Moor Residential School

“Both groups of gardeners did an amazing job. The small group cleared a very rough patch of land just as you enter the school grounds. I wish that we had taken a before and after photo as they made such a difference in clearing away years of weeds and overgrowth which was particularly unsightly. We now have a tidy area where we are going to display our new school sign. They didn’t get the best weather but it stayed dry for most of the day.

The bigger group again have made a huge impact on the sensory trail and another garden area by tidying it up and making it more manageable for us to maintain. The children and young people really enjoy using the sensory trail and we regularly have our campfires down the trail. It had become very overgrown and was badly in need of a tidy up. They were very lucky in that they had a lovely day to do all this work.

The arts and crafts session is going well today by all accounts and we will have some lovely art works to display by the end of the day.

We cannot overestimate how much we appreciate the support of the volunteer groups and we are always impressed by their interest in the school and by how much they get into their work. There are so many areas where we need to spend resources to improve the lives of children and young people at the school and the support of the gardening volunteers from AAB allows us to channel money that would have been needed for the gardening work into funding other projects.” Wendy Milne – Director of Services Linn Moor Campus

“I was thrilled to see so many volunteers at Linn Moor last week. The difference they have made around the grounds of Linn Moor is fantastic. We are very proud of our lovely grounds and take great pride in our school. However the difference AAB employees made was quite remarkable. Paths and grass verges were reinvented and the walk down our Sensory Trail is now no longer a muddy path but a clean, tidy, walkable stroll into the woods to enjoy it all in its’ beauty. They painted railings and seats and just made the whole place more pleasing on the eye. Your staff were engaging and friendly and showed genuine interest in the activities, children and staff at Linn Moor. Almost every single member of staff has spoken about the improvements in and around the grounds.

Then just to top the week off we had your five Leonardo De Vinci’s who produced two beautiful murals and several student ‘masterpieces’. They identified immediately that the room we had allocated them was too ‘busy’ for our students so split themselves into two groups and had students entertained for the day with their friendly outgoing manners.

I know AAB as a firm and am very aware of their philanthropic generosity but when it comes to people giving up their days to help those less fortunate that is truly something special and we, at Linn Moor, are so grateful to you as a firm and all your employees that it is difficult to demonstrate it properly in the written word.” Neil Cooper, Lead Education Practitioner, Education Department, Linn Moor Residential School

By Graeme Allan

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