Connor Taylor, University Student, Aberdeen

“I cannot thank you enough for helping me become more independent as I transition into university. As a manual wheelchair user I felt limited in where I could go without the help of a carer, I had to rely on…


Success Story2nd Nov 2016

By Claire Smith 

Connor Taylor, University Student, Aberdeen

“I cannot thank you enough for helping me become more independent as I transition into university. As a manual wheelchair user I felt limited in where I could go without the help of a carer, I had to rely on others to commute to class or go out and socialise with friends. These limitations are now gone, and all without the need for a typical powered wheelchair which comes with its own limitations in terms of the space it requires during travel and its versatility. There have been so many small steps or curbs that I wouldn’t have been able to cross without the agile control these powered wheels give me. After the past couple months, I cannot imagine my life without them and I feel more confident because of them.”

Connor Taylor, University Student, Aberdeen – AABIE funded e-motion wheels for Connor’s wheelchair to enable him to attend university and live on campus whilst he studies for a BA Accounting & Finance Degree at The Robert Gordon University

By Claire Smith 

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  1. Blog18th Sep 2023

    Claire Smith, Restructuring & Recovery Manager who wrote a blog about members voluntary liquidation

    What Does Members Voluntary Liquidation mean?

    It can be a daunting time for business owners closing down a solvent business. Owners are used to having full control and dealing with all business matters, therefore understandably, we are asked many questions before and during the process of…

    By Claire Smith 

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  2. Blog23rd Jun 2022

    tax advice

    Members Voluntary liquidation (MVL) v Strike Off – What is the difference?

    Since moving into restructuring at AAB, friends and family have asked me: ‘What is an MVL?’ ‘Is an MVL a bad thing?’ ‘Why can’t owners just close businesses themselves?’ These are all very good questions! The restructuring and recovery team…

    By Claire Smith 

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