Banchory Community Football Club

“Banchory Community Football Club 2006 team are delighted to get funding for new strips from AABIE. The boys will be starting to play 11-a-side competitive football after the summer break and it’s fantastic that they will have new strips for…


Success Story19th Mar 2019

By Graeme Allan

Banchory Community Football Club

“Banchory Community Football Club 2006 team are delighted to get funding for new strips from AABIE. The boys will be starting to play 11-a-side competitive football after the summer break and it’s fantastic that they will have new strips for this next step in their football development. The new strips should arrive in the next few weeks and I’m sure the kids will look great in them. The kids, coaches and parents are all very grateful to AABIE for their support.” Andrew Smith, Coach

By Graeme Allan

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  1. Blog24th Apr 2020

    ‘Plan Ahead’ and the ‘Next Normal’

    When drowning in a daily ‘sea’ of new information, reacting to new data, managing the change to work patterns or indeed no ability to operate at all, you’d be forgiven for not adding to your already challenging day by diverting…

    By Graeme Allan

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