Recovery Loan Scheme – The key information

The UK Government’s £75bn Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS), launched earlier this week, to provide financial support to businesses affected by the pandemic. The scheme, which will be open until 31 December 2021, can be accessed to fund working capital, investment and growth. There is no turnover restriction for businesses accessing the scheme.


A new M&A wave for upstream E&P – could it be the final wave?

A year on from being hit by some of the biggest challenges the upstream E&P sector has faced and so far in 2021, we have seen a greater volume of disclosed North Sea deal value than in the whole of 2020. The oil price is riding above $63 at the time of writing and some, e.g. Goldman Sachs are predicting it could reach $80 by the third quarter.


Top finance tips for the construction sector

The construction sector has experienced a sustained period of challenge, the weak period of trading many experienced Q2 to Q3 2020 due to Covid has caused finance challenges to continue. Whilst some of these challenges were relieved by good cash management, payment holidays and changes to compliance requirements, the upcoming 2021 Budget announcement and the ongoing Covid problem means now is the time to ensure you are best placed to overcome any impending hurdles.


Budget 2021 – will we see changes to Tax rates and reliefs?

Before the scheduled Autumn budget, advisors and taxpayers alike were bracing themselves for a hike in the rate of Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) as well as the very real possibility that some reliefs might be withdrawn altogether.  For example Business Asset Disposal Relief (“BADR”), known previously as Entrepreneurs’ Relief.  When the budget was pushed back to Spring there was an audible sigh of relief but with a number of recent budgets containing surprise announcements, it is important to consider any possible changes ahead of budget day on 3rd March.   


Have you considered how you will finance your latest development?

The Construction sector has seen a sustained period of challenge with weak output experienced from Q2 2020. As a result, many of the funding challenges experienced by construction developers in these months were largely relieved by extended exclusivity agreements and payment holidays. However, we have seen forward-funding and out-right purchase agreements fall through as funders struggle to get comfortable with newly proposed construction timelines and a general conservation of cash.


2020 – The Year of Change

Prior to the global lockdown restrictions being imposed in March 2020, appreciating it is difficult to recall those days, deal flow was relatively strong with the momentum seen in the second half of 2019 translating into the successful completion of a number of high-profile transactions in Q1 2020. Examples of this including the acquisition of Rowan Manufacturing and Smith & Frater from Rowan Group by leading timber specialist James Donaldson Group and Hunting Plc’s acquisition of subsea production enhancing specialist Enpro Subsea for £28m.    


Deals+ Energy Deals Done in the UK Q4 2020

As featured in Energy Voice, Anderson Anderson & Brown Corporate Finance (“AABcf”) is delighted to share with you our quarterly Deals+ update for Q4 2020, highlighting selected Energy M&A and Fundraising transactions across the UK.


Resilient Scottish M&A market recovery continues

When the restrictions were implemented in March 2020, a significant number of deals were delayed, postponed or cancelled as business owners and investors quickly turned their attention to business resilience, cash flow management and adapting to rapidly changing market conditions. However, when the COVID lockdown measures began to ease in early summer 2020, there were promising signs of M&A deal flow returning as businesses moved from crisis management to planning ahead.


Why complying with CCO should still be a priority during the pandemic

The Pandemic


2020 Year in Review – Family Businesses

Looking back on 2020
