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Tax rules require you to be transparent and compliant; your business will benefit from being tax-efficient. With our experience and determined approach, we’ll help you balance those demands and meet them both.  

Contact Malachy McLernon

  • Malachy McLernon
    Meet the team

    The team

  • Start-ups. Entrepreneurs. SMES. Privately Owned & Listed Businesses. Multinationals. Public & Social Sector Organisations. 

    Who we can help

  • Corporate Tax Compliance. Corporate Tax Advisory. International Tax. VAT & Duty. R&D & Patent Box. Capital Allowances. Tax Investigations. Training. Resource Constraints.  

    How we can help


We can create the most advantageous tax plans for your business, whilst still satisfying the tax regulations. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an expanding multinational, we’ll focus on minimising exposure, securing any reliefs you’re due and ensuring compliance.  

As a private client, you too can benefit from our bespoke advice that protects your wealth whilst withstanding ever-increasing scrutiny from HMRC. The exceptional experience across our specialist tax team means that whether for business or as an individual, you’ll benefit from expert support that keeps you informed, provides optimum tax-efficiency and safeguards you against tax disputes. 


Complying with corporate tax rules shouldn’t rob you of the time you need to grow your business. So, leave your tax concerns to our expert team. We’ll unpick tax complexity, make it understandable and manageable, and ensure you meet your deadlines and obligations.  

By getting to know you and understanding your aims, we can develop a practical and proactive approach to reducing your corporate tax burden, minimising the impact of new regulations and creating the most efficient tax structures. Our service includes: 

  • Corporate and Entrepreneurial advice 
  • VAT & Duty 
  • R&D and Patent Box 
  • Capital allowances 
  • Training 
  • Resourcing 


Multijurisdictional taxes are complex, so we’ll provide clear and pragmatic advice to simplify and minimise them. We’ll identify your liabilities and make sure you pay no more than necessary, whilst avoiding any interest or penalty charges. 

Our support covers both permanent entities and short-term, one-off projects in foreign countries. Where you operate in several jurisdictions, we’ll advise you of any incremental overseas tax and compliance costs, so you can budget and tender accordingly to safeguard your profits. We’ll also provide guidance to ensure that your employees working abroad meet the relevant country’s tax reporting and payment rules. 


Nobody wants a tax investigation, but each year HMRC launches an increasing number of them. If you’re affected, we’ll help soften the impact. 

We’ll guide you through the process from start to finish, making sure your answers to HMRC’s questions are providing accurately and within deadlines. Tax investigations can be varied and wide-ranging, but you’ll have the reassurance of a tax team with many years’ experience of dealing with them, including valuable insights gained from having worked for HMRC. 

We’ll defend you as robustly as the rules allow, do our best to help reduce your liabilities and to minimise any unavoidable penalties.  

  • AAB's expertise in the complex topic of Disguised Remuneration and Employment Related Security legislation allowed the various tax implications of our company share incentive plan to be identified and gain approval from HMRC.

    Alan Pearson, Tendek

  • They are always “on it”, sending me reminders or calling me to discuss forthcoming tax liabilities. Their approach to completion of tax returns is first class, they don’t just process the numbers, but look behind the scenes.

    Bruce Ferguson, Hunting PLC

  • On announcement from the Government that IR35 changes were to be postponed, AAB were in touch instantly to discuss the best way forward and to assist with the Company’s communication to contractors surrounding this.

    Finance Director, Leading Oil & Gas Engineering Company

  • "I have been very much looked after by the Private Client team for a number of years now. Managed by experienced individuals, they are able to provide that sometimes elusive, bespoke, one to one professional advice.

    Joanna Robertson

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  1. Blog26th Mar 2024

    Derek Gemmell, Head of Innovations Tax and author of blog about R&D tax relief procedures

    R&D Tax Relief Procedures: HMRC’s Latest Notification Requirement

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