Learning & Development

AAB People partner with our clients to turn strategy into action, enhance leadership, and engage people for lasting success. All our learning & development solutions are tailored to the needs of our clients. We work together to craft and deliver bespoke learning experiences. We bridge the gap between intention and action, we empower professionals to implement new ways of working that drive tangible results and lasting change in their organisations.


Jacqui Jolmes

Principal Consultant- Learning & Development

Who we can help

  • SMES

How we can help



Talk to us

We forge lasting trust-based relationships with our clients, standing by you throughout your organisational journey. We immerse ourselves in your world to fully grasp your unique needs and aspirations and draw upon our 20+ years of experience to craft a fully tailored, impactful solution. Our programmes are all based on the latest thinking in adult learning theory, behavioural and neuroscience, and are all meticulously crafted for maximum impact and lasting change. We are there for our clients, providing empathic support throughout by experts who are fully invested in individual and organisational success. Through experiential, hands-on activities and real-world simulations, our impactful workshops turn knowledge into practical skills, ensuring your employees and managers can immediately apply what they’ve learned.

Our goal is to foster brilliant leadership at all levels. Through tailored, impactful programmes, we inspire leaders that stand out for their ability to inspire, connect, and make a lasting difference enhancing their organisations’ performance and shape their industries and markets.



Every day we speak to committed and talented organisational leaders who are facing big challenges – managing uncertainty, inspiring vision while bringing a down-to-earth roadmap, maintaining adaptability while acknowledging change fatigue, fostering commitment in disparate workforces, complex supply issues, and competing stakeholder demands. We get it. While we can’t wave a magic wand and solve all these problems, we can foster leaders at all levels who can pivot, succeed, and thrive while dealing with these complex challenges with confidence and clarity.

AAB People’s unique Pivot Leadership approach systematically elevates leaders’ skills and thinking across four levels:

  • Level One: Firstly, we connect with the Leader’s passion, values and emotional intelligence as a leader and work with them to discover how these align with the organisational purpose. This provides a ‘core’ or strong centre for leaders to pivot.
  • Level Two: We then work on improving key relations by building greater psychological safety and adapting to diverse personalities, fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • Level Three: We equip leaders to transition from daily operations to strategic thinking, making pivotal decisions with empathy and aligning team efforts with strategic goals.
  • Level Four: Our goal is to help leaders transform into visionary influencers who can handle challenges confidently, enhancing organisations and shaping industries.

AAB People’s Leadership and Management programmes support leaders from various sectors and businesses of all sizes, from global corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises, in discovering their leadership potential and authentic style. They remain energised, effective, and focused, even under significant pressure. Investing in the right management development will boost manager communication and performance, fostering more motivated and productive workplaces.

AAB People are an ILM certified centre and can offer a full suite of ILM Leadership and Management Accreditations.

Get in touch to find out more


In today’s competitive workplace environment with skilled workers at a premium and organisations reporting an increasing number of hard-to-fill roles, developing an Early Careers Development Programme ensures companies stay ahead of the game by attracting talent at all levels.

Ranging from graduate development programmes to internships to apprenticeships, designing an effective Early Careers Development Programme requires a clear understanding of what drives and motivates individuals of all ages so they can bring their unique talents to your organisation. Whether Generation Z or people at a later stage of their career journey are looking for a new challenge, we will combine our years of experience in developing programmes with our in-depth knowledge of the latest behavioural science to work with you to create a bespoke programme that resonates with all participants and ensures the learning experiences they receive provides them with the skills to succeed as leaders of the future.

Enhance early careers


The career trajectory of today’s employees can be characterised as increasingly non-linear in nature. Indeed, the emergence of “squiggly careers” is a great characterisation of contemporary career paths. The key question our clients ask is how can we support individuals to take charge and move forward with confidence in their own career journeys?

AAB People’s Career Navigator series can support your employees to identify what energises them, recognise their personal values, their “why”, and the strengths they bring to their roles every day. Participants are also introduced to key concepts from behavioural psychology to explore and challenge their own limiting beliefs and engage with a range of tools and frameworks to envision and map out a plan for the journey ahead, for both the short-term and longer-term.

Find out more about career navigation


Most new managers believe they needed more training before becoming a manager, with the biggest challenges cited as balancing individual job responsibilities with the time spent managing others, supervising friends, and former peers.

New and emerging leaders, or high-po (high potentials) don’t acquire new skills overnight and just become different because they have been identified or promoted. The transition to a leadership role requires fundamental mindset shifts, skill enhancement and a significant change in behaviour.

AAB People’s programmes empower new and emerging leaders to transition from managing tasks to leading teams. We inspire them to connect with empathy and intelligence, providing tools to reset and strengthen relationships—crucial for those moving from peer to leader.

Get the benefit from investing in learning


Whether it’s individual modules or a comprehensive calendar of learning sessions, we will cater to your unique needs, fostering growth, efficiency, and engagement across all levels of your organisation.

Learning Calendars
Learning Calendars make a difference to employee’s skills, productivity, engagement, and retention. Working in collaborative partnership with you we curate learning calendars with a diverse range of topics that empower your people to continuously develop their skills, ensuring they remain agile and effective in a fast-paced business environment, keeping your organisation ahead of the competition.

Stand Alone Workshops
AAB People’s clients recognise the pressing need for reskilling and upskilling initiatives to bridge the skills gap and equip employees for the future of work. AAB People partner with our clients to provide targeted learning experiences to address specific challenges and enhance performance.

Our stand-alone modules cover crucial areas such as:

  • Coaching for managers
  • Mentoring (development of mentees and mentors)
  • Policy into practice
  • Building inclusive teams (EDI)
  • Having meaningful performance management conversations
  • Conflict handling
  • Giving and receiving feedback well
  • Having crucial conversation
  • Confidence building (power in me)
  • Enhancing personal and team resilience
  • Self-awareness with psychometric debriefs

Each module equips your people with practical skills and insights, driving continuous improvement and personal growth. AAB People’s customised virtual and blended learning solutions are designed for the modern world. We can work with you onsite, remotely, or in combination.

Set up capability development programmes


Effective teamwork is key for organisational success and most workers and employers believe that a lack of team alignment influences the success of a task or project. However, not all teams are working to their highest potential. AAB People design and deliver bespoke activities for your teams to not only inject energy and excitement, but foster the commitment and collaboration needed for success. These dynamic events inspire, engage, and motivate, offering fresh perspectives and fosters a strong sense of community and shared purpose.

We will work with you to deliver the team activity most relevant to your needs – whether it’s an away day, in-house development activities or other team events. You have a challenge – we develop a structure built to help your team engage and collaborate to find a solution, supported under the illuminating light of a fresh perspective.

Create bespoke team activities for your organisation



AAB People put people at the heart of everything we do. Our Learning & Development team create interactive, engaging, and thought-provoking learning experiences that are firmly rooted in the most up-to-date relevant theory and science to deliver lasting behavioural change. Together, we will deliver flexible solutions incorporating online and in-person elements and communities or practices. Fostering a highly inclusive and supportive growth environment for all participants through highly interactive, engaging, and thought-provoking learning experiences.


Our team has decades of experience and a wellspring of creativity that enables us to partner with our clients to turn strategy into action, enhance leadership, and engage people for lasting success. We forge trust-based relationships with our clients, standing by you throughout your organisational journey. We do this through facilitated learning experiences with a practical and work-oriented focus and by providing empathic support by experts who are fully invested in individual and organisational success.


We all have strengths that we have yet to leverage, and executive coaching is expanding across more levels within organisations of all sizes. Working with an AAB People coach, we help to spark your curiosity about your capabilities, what your best self looks like and how to turn that into a reality.

AAB People provides innovative coaching solutions in the following areas of focus:

  • Driving alignment on shifting strategies.
  • Senior team development.
  • Building an adaptable and agile culture.
  • Building bench and leader succession.
  • Coaching the whole person, including self-care and self-awareness.

At AAB People, we partner with each client to design a bespoke coaching offering in a format that offers the best fit for your needs, this can include:

  • 121 Executive Coaching – Working with individuals, people managers and senior leaders. Focus on personal presence, impact and influence, mindset and behaviours.
  • Strategic Coach Mentoring – Working with senior leaders who are seeking a bespoke approach with a commercial orientation and solution focus.
  • Blended Approach of Executive Coaching and Strategic Coach Mentoring.
  • Triad Executive Coaching – Working with the coachee and their line manager.
  • Team Coaching – Working with people leaders and their intact and/or interoperable teams.
  • Mentoring & Mediation.


Depending on our client’s needs we can utilise a range of highly reputable psychometrics including DiSC, Insights Discovery, Hogan, MHS EQi tool, and Lencioni’s Team Assessment to provide rich insights into communication, personal, leadership styles and team dynamics. These tools help heighten self-awareness and foster more effective communication and collaboration.