
Chartered Financial Planner



Individuals. Business Owners. Trustees.


Wealth Planning. Cash Flow Modelling. Financial Planning. Pension Planning. Investment Planning. Estate Planning. Tax Planning. Cascading Wealth.

“I leave no stone unturned.”

Richard Johnston is a Chartered Financial Planner within our Wealth Team. Based in Edinburgh, he works with a wide range of private clients, helping them build their wealth and plan for the future.

The most important aspect of Richard’s work is building long-term relationships with people. Helping them navigate life’s twists and turns. And, along the way, giving them all the advice they need in the realm of pensions, tax, investments and estate planning. In a nutshell, helping them get the most out of life.


“Clients often come to me initially for something fairly transactional – maybe to ask advice about a pension or an investment. But I think what I do works best when we can build a relationship that goes much deeper than that. That’s why I work hard to build a rapport with clients. To forge relationships that will stand the test of time – perhaps even through the generations.

And while technology like video calls can be incredibly useful, I don’t think that will ever replace face-to-face meetings. For me, nothing beats sitting in the same room as someone and having a proper chat. So, I prefer it if clients are willing and able to give some time to the process – to be fully engaged with it. Because that’s when they get the most back.”


“When clients pick up the phone to me, they’re probably expecting me to help with one small part of their finances. But I hope after we talk, they realise I can do so much more than that. Wealth planning is about looking at the whole picture. Holistic isn’t necessarily the right word – but it’s about leaving no stone unturned to get a proper fix on where you are, where you want to go and how you can get there.

Once people see that, there’s always a bit of the wow factor. The client goes away with a lot more confidence. They know what they can and cannot achieve. And that’s maybe more than they ever believed possible. I can’t help but feel chuffed when that happens.”


“The great thing about AAB, is that we’re not afraid to step outside the norms of the wealth industry. The way we manage investment portfolios or the modelling strategy we use. Even in the relationships that we build with clients. We’re brave enough to look at things differently. We question if it works or if there’s a better way to do things. And that feels very exciting and actually quite refreshing.”


“I like to think that I’m very thorough when looking at my clients’ finances. I don’t just skip over things because they seem too minor to be concerned about. And although I’d never say I’m an extrovert, I like building relationships and having discussions with clients.  I enjoy the whole aspect of getting to meet people and getting to know them better.

Clients often say that talking to me has made them think differently. And that it’s given them so much more confidence for the future. That’s a great compliment because that’s what the ultimate outcome should be.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Richard Johnston, Edinburgh