Predominantly Trusts.


Accounts preparation. Tax Returns. Payment arrangements. Administration work.


Supported by the Payroll team.

“I make the complex easy to understand.”

As a Manager in our dedicated Private Client team, Ovita Virdee has a large portfolio of Trusts, for which she prepares accounts and tax returns, arranges payments, and liaises with brokers, trustees and beneficiaries, and other administrative responsibilities.

Clients can always expect Ovita to be realistic and honest with them, for everything to be done accurately and on time, and for Ovita to blend her professionalism with friendliness.


“The ideal relationship with a client is, for me, one in which we are both clear with each other, and where they know they can come to me and I’ll help them with any queries they might have, or give them technical advice. If I don’t have the answer, I’ll always be honest with the client and ask someone who is a specialist in that area for help. Being given all the information I might need is obviously helpful, so open communication and honesty that go both ways are always important to a really strong client relationship.

It’s also essential that we both have reasonable expectations of each other. Sometimes it’s necessary to manage expectations a bit, but I always let the client know how much I can do by when. I find that honesty is always the best policy! This is particularly vital with queries on more complex matters; an immediate answer is nice, but it’s more important to take enough time to properly research and reflect on a response that we know is as accurate and carefully considered as possible.”


“The most satisfying thing about my work with clients is when they tell you that you’ve explained everything well, and it’s helped them to understand things. It’s also a great feeling when I’m able to answer any queries or questions for clients straight away, and can see in real-time the value that my knowledge and expertise brings them. Being able to help clients feel more confident and relaxed knowing that we’re taking care of their affairs is great.”


“When it comes to working with colleagues, for me the most satisfying aspect is just how much everyone supports and uplifts one another – everyone is willing to help someone else on the team. It’s great knowing that if a particular area or situation comes up that I don’t feel particularly confident in, I can say to my client ‘I don’t know the answer, but I know someone who will.’

Obviously, everybody’s got different strengths and areas of expertise, and in sharing expertise and advice for various situations and issues, everybody becomes stronger, more knowledgeable, and more well-rounded as professionals.”


“The landscape of communication has changed a lot in recent years. Before the pandemic, we had a lot of in-person meetings, whereas nowadays it’s a lot more emails and Teams calls. In many ways, it has increased efficiency – there’s no need to travel so much, which really saves on time. Most of my communication with clients happens via email, which is handy as some of the trustees I work with live quite far away. Emails can be great, particularly for quick queries, as well as providing a clear point of reference that both myself and clients can return to and reread if necessary.”


“Meetings with clients can be challenging at times, simply because you’re not always sure what aspects or topics they are going to ask about. But it’s always helpful when clients feel that they can communicate very clearly what it is that they are looking for from us, as we can then very clearly communicate how we can help.

It can be tough sometimes to make more complex aspects of legislation, for example, simple enough for non-experts to understand. In these situations, I make sure to use plenty of examples and analogies – anything that might help translate complicated rules and regulations. I think it always helps as well to explain why something must or should be done in a particular way, instead of just saying ‘you have to do this.’”


“The thing I’m most excited about for the future is probably the expansion of the team! Building up the team we have, and welcoming in new graduates and people coming through is great. And it’s so helpful for us who have been here for a long time because when new team members join us, it brings a fresh perspective – we are constantly learning from each other and improving our ways of doing things.

That’s one of the great things about AAB: getting to see people’s different methods and comparing which one might be better for certain circumstances or situations. It’s easy to get stuck in your ways with certain things, and so I always welcome advice and suggestions from other team members. I really enjoy helping to train new students and graduates, partly for this reason! Learning is always a two-way street.”