Owner Managed Businesses. Family Businesses. SMEs.


Business Advisory. Audit. Year end accounts preparation. Management accounts. Bookkeeping.


Food. Manufacturing. Waste Management & Construction.

“going above and beyond to achieve a positive outcome.”

Mícheál Moore is an Associate of Chartered Accountants Ireland and a Manager in our Business Advisory team. Based in our Ireland office, Mícheál supports a wide variety of clients, the majority of which are family-owned SMEs across Northern Ireland and Ireland with an appetite for growth in international markets.

Micheál offers an all-rounded business advisor approach which results in saving clients’ money and time, while making recommendations to drive efficiency and effectiveness for business growth.

Trusted advisor

“Building trust with clients has always been my priority. We aim to be the most trusted advisor to the business whether it’s from the perspective of accounting, system query, tax, payroll or HR, any of the growing entities within the AAB group.

For me, it’s important for us to deliver an unmatched service. When we’re able to grow their business with the advice we give, there’s nothing more satisfying. It’s our honesty and willingness to challenge and think proactively that makes us unique.”

A team effort

“At AAB group, we are willing to think outside the box and bring a fresh perspective to tackling the obstacles our clients face. We strive to work alongside our clients, as a part of their team. Our main goal is to help our clients achieve their goals and enabling their business to grow and succeed.

Personally, the most satisfying aspect of working with colleagues is the team spirit. It’s always great to see the willingness of all colleagues to put their shoulder to the wheel for the desired outcome for the client.“

Embracing technology

“The way we do business has changed drastically in recent times. The technology we utilise allows us to be flexible to suit the client’s needs whether it’s meeting in person or virtually. I’d say finding a balance between the two is key. As a tech-enabled business, we seek to utilise technology advancements to enhance our service and streamline our processes in order to focus on building strong relationships with our clients.“

The power of collaboration

“Collaboration is the key to success. AAB is continuously growing and evolving, and now has a diverse team of leading experts within the firm. I have confidence that there will always be someone in the Group that has the expertise to be able to assist, whatever the problem may be.”

My strengths

“The greatest strength I bring to AAB is my drive to work hard. Going above and beyond to achieve a positive outcome. I strive to always have strong communication and organisation when working with clients. Effective communication throughout is essential to remain flexible when things don’t go to plan and allow any arising issues to be solved promptly.”

Continuing to evolve

“The greatest challenge in my specialist area is the need to continue to evolve and keep up to date with the moving trends of technology. There’s also a need to remain competitive in ways such as ESG & Corporate Governance. While this presents a challenge it at the same time gives us an opportunity to learn new skills and develop.

The growth of AAB offers many opportunities to gain experience and skills across all service areas and sectors. I’m excited to be part of this growth, and I look forward to what the future holds for AAB.”