
Chief Technology Officer


Lance Fisher, Chief Technology Officer


I work with all teams across the AAB Group, enabling tech Innovation and data so that the Group can work together effectively and efficiently. The aim is to do that with a uniform and common platform that we are building. I work helping our tech enabled people help our clients.


I make a difference with Tech, Innovation and Data

“AAB is a tech-enabled, business critical services group”.

Lance is a highly experienced CIO/CTO and now specializes in the accountancy sector working at AAB , before that he was in the recruitment sector and was SThree’s Global CIO based in London, prior to this he was in the finance sector being CIO of Europe and Asia for ICAP plc, a leading derivatives and securities money broker, and CIO of the FTSE group a leading index and data company.

Lance holds an MBA from Warwick University and is ranked in the UK CIO top 50 and won the ICT European CIO of the year in 2013.

For him, his  job is to enable tech innovation to support what we do; improving efficiency and delivering added value you’d think wasn’t possible. Working closely with our key strategic vendors and tech partners to optimise our solutions and ensure we are always at the forefront of technology.


I have a passion for data and how data insights can empower our business.

“There are different variants of CTO/CIO’s and the consistent theme for me, in all my roles as always been a focus on data.  In Accountancy its Client data, Financial and Accounting Data.  In Recruitment it was candidate, client data, deal data.  At Icap it was Financial information and trading data, at FTSE it was Index data.  I have always had a passion for data.  So I like to think of myself as a “Data Driven CTO” and focusing on that to help make the business make the right decisions from data and data insights”


AAB is growing via a rapid acquisition strategy.  To enable that growth we are putting together a common tech platform which will scale as we do. I enable tech and innovation which in turn will enable us to deliver tech enabled  client solutions. This involves new Enterprise grade systems for our back and front office that are joined together to give us a unified platform.

HELPING Automate So we can Scale

As we grow, we are looking for ways that we can automate repetitive, time consuming and large volume business processes. We strive to streamline our processes to help our people complete tasks more efficiently and faster. That means exploring robots and bots and putting together a group to help us achieve that.  “The Robots are Coming “ and we are looking to work with them to achieve the optimum balance between Humans and Bots.  We wont automate everything as we will still need creative minds from our great people to make the right decisions based on our data insights but by automating the repetitive and repeatable time consuming stuff , its frees our people up to help do more for our clients.


Bringing to AAB, Tech that will change the way we live and work. AAB is always exploring ways in which we can use technology to improve our team’s experience. From the way in which we execute the day job, to the way in which we navigate the art of the possible, technology is a foundation of our approach.”  That’s why I am here , to make a difference with Tech, Innovation and Data.