Large and small hotel groups across the UK and Europe. Individual hotels. Serviced apartments.


Provide reporting. Profit & Loss (P&L) accounts. Reconciliations. VAT returns.


Hotel Accounting.


Katie Evans is a Financial Controller within the AAB Hotel Accounting team. Based in the Glasgow office, Katie manages a team of management accountants to deliver accurate P&L accounts, prepare balance sheet reconciliations, VAT returns and month end reports for our clients each month. With 25 years’ experience in hospitality and 15 years within hotel finance, Katie has developed an in-depth knowledge of the sector. This knowledge helps Katie to build strong relationships with her clients, as well as bringing a good working knowledge of the systems hotels use today.

Katie enjoys building meaningful relationships with both her clients and colleagues, working closely together to achieve goals while also having a bit of fun along the way.

Establishing a strong two-way connection

“For me, the ideal relationship with a client is one where communication on both sides is consistent. Where strong two-way communication exists, I believe we’ll always be able to find solutions to any problems that come our way. I want my clients to feel that they can be open and honest with me and are happy to pick up the phone whenever they need something or have a question about something they’re unsure of.

Aside from delivering accurate reporting and reconciliations for my clients, which is a given, I always aim to be someone our clients can trust and depend on.”

The positive impact of change

“I like to see positive changes happening and new improved procedures coming together quickly and efficiently. I try to get the ball rolling as soon as an opportunity to drive positive changes presents itself. A proactive approach which can sometimes be seen as disruptive at first, but the end result is always better and an incredibly rewarding one. The reason most clients come to us in the first place is because procedures and reporting need to be improved, so it’s really important for me to help my clients overcome that initial fear of change!”

Utilising tech to maximise productivity

“Within my specialism, I’m all for any tech advancements as they maximise productivity within the team by reducing the time spent doing repetitive tasks each morning. If a bot can be designed to load daily income, reconcile statements, generate reports etc, then why not? Embracing the efficiencies that tech brings us gives us the opportunity to work on more interesting projects and add greater value for the client.

I believe with how technology is evolving and the rapid progression of Robotic Process Automation, it really opens up a whole new world to the way companies will work; freeing up time that would otherwise be spent on doing tedious tasks. Thus, allowing for more in-depth analysis and value adding project work.”

Collaboration is our Superpower

“At AAB we have a wealth of talent, not only in the Hotel Accounting team but across the whole Group. By utilising the diverse range of experiences and expertise of the various teams we can deliver the best possible service to our clients. No one is an expert of all specialisms so if I don’t have the answer to a client’s query, I can always ask someone that does. It’s really reassuring to know that I have a great team to depend on and work together with to problem solve and deliver an unmatched client service.”

My greatest strength

“I’d say that having worked both in and with hotels for over 25 years, I’ve built a great understanding of how the hospitality sector works and the challenges they face. With that knowledge, I can be more empathetic to my clients’ needs and provide a more hands-on approach to supporting them. Sometimes this approach has proven to be so valuable that I’ve even been offered a role within one of my client’s companies!”