Who I help

Owner-managed businesses. Large corporate group entities.

How I help

Delivering Audit & Assurance Services.

“I aim to provide trusted support to our clients.”

Gemma Donald is an Audit Assistant Manager based in our Aberdeen office. Gemma’s role can differ greatly day to day, with focus over small owner managed businesses in one and large corporate group entities the following.

A key part of Gemma’s role is to provide trusted support to our clients whilst working together to achieve the best outcome for all involved, within the timescales specified. Gemma enjoys supporting the junior members of the team to develop and progress in their careers. As someone who joined the firm as an apprentice, she appreciates the importance of this and how beneficial it is for growth within AAB and on a personal level.

It all starts with getting to know clients

“The key aspect of my role is getting to know my clients. I can’t deny that I’m a people person so the communication and building relationships part of my role is what I enjoy most. When we build strong relationships with our clients it truly helps every aspect of the audit process. It gives us invaluable insight into the people we’re working with. Having the ability to understand the people behind the emails and telephone calls when we’re not on site, and in front of them, is helpful for us and helps to make the process run smoothly.

It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know and for us, trust is such an important part of any project. That’s why we need to get to know our clients and need them to be able to trust that we’re the best people placed to complete their audit. We’re not just trying to complete another audit to tick off our to-do list – We have their best interests at heart, and we will always aim to go above and beyond in our delivery.”

Teamwork drives our success

“I love working in a team. Getting to know my colleagues beyond their roles, whilst understanding and getting to know them as people, is so important for me. Delivering an audit is a team effort – we need to be working together, supporting each other, and pitching in where necessary to deliver an awesome service and high-quality audit that genuinely adds value for our clients.

It’s great to work alongside more junior members of the team and see them develop and progress. Sharing my knowledge and experience is an opportunity for them to learn in the same way.”

Preference of being in person with clients

“People truly believe that technology is taking over and replacing our need for face-to-face contact. Whilst technology is great at removing barriers and aiding what we do, I believe there needs to be a balance between tech and the hands-on approach.

Software that we utilise across the group is great in helping us to streamline processes and efficiency throughout the audit process. However, I don’t believe we should ever rely on hiding behind a screen or software. I’ve always found being front-facing, whether that’s our approach to meetings or throughout the audit process, is key. As a team I believe it’s important to make the conscious effort to pick up the phone and arrange meeting with clients. This gives us the ability to put a face to a name and allows our clients to do the same.”

Being proactive and on the front foot

“One of the greatest challenges I face is that there are always changing auditing standards and procedures. Audit is a fast-paced industry so keeping on top of any changes and acting on them is really important. The team as a whole are really great at distributing this news. We hold regular training sessions on what changes mean and how we can work together to achieve what is required.”