Who I help

High-net-worth individuals and families. Trusts. Investment companies. Trading companies.

How I help

Tax efficient strategies and planning.


A wide variety of sectors.

“I get to play a part in making CLIENTS’ goals achievable.”

Fergus Beadle is a Tax Partner based in our Leeds office. Fergus has been with us for 20 years, starting as a Manager and becoming a Partner in 2008. He brings to the team a wide range of experience and utilises this to advise a mixed portfolio of clients. This portfolio involves high net-worth individuals, families, trusts and investment companies.

Fergus uses tax efficient strategies and planning to provide his clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions that help them to achieve their goals and manage their finances effectively.

Personal element

“There’s a real personal element to what I do. Helping my clients to achieve their goals is something I pride myself on. To do that effectively it’s so important to have a strong relationship with the client I like to ensure I have regular contact with them. Usually that’s face to face, but also virtually online, as necessary. Establishing a good relationship is so important. That’s how you create a foundation of trust. With that foundation clients will be able to trust you have their best interest of heart and that you are best placed to help them achieve their goals. For me, one of the most satisfying aspects of working with clients is helping them to achieve their objectives in a tax efficient way which helps them in the long term with x, y, z.”

Effective communication through technology

“Technology is great. It adds another way for us to have effective communication with out clients no matter where they are in the world. It also enables communication across the group. With our 12 regional hubs across the UK and Ireland our teams have grown and there’s more colleagues and experts at AAB Group. Technology means that we can build strong internal relationships across locations which is so important when it comes to delivering an excellent service to our clients knowing if a client has a question about another service line I’m easily able to say ‘we have someone’ and I can put them in contact with our colleagues no matter which office location they are based in”

While tech enhances our service offering and the client experience, I do still prefer face to face interactions. With my clients my goal is to become their most trusted adviser. Being in person means that I can really get to know them and not only their goals but also the why of their goals. The personal element of what I do can often mean that the matters I’m supporting clients with have sensitivities or complexities. So being able to have those sometimes difficult conversations in person can make the process a little easier.”

Armed with up-to-date knowledge

“The tax rules and legislations are often changing and evolving. To advise clients successfully with the most up to date tax information it’s important that I keep up to date with changes. I love that within the group there’s a wealth of knowledge and expertise that means if there’s ever something I don’t understand it’s likely there’s someone within AAB that I can ask. Being able to arm clients with prior knowledge of any changes and what that will mean for them is so important, keeping up to date with legislation enables me to do so.”

Nothing boring about it

“Accountancy and tax is often described as boring, but my job is anything but. I get to meet lots of interesting people from all walks of life. I get to hear their background, learn about their goals and then I get to play a part in making their goals achievable. I work with amazing clients and colleagues day in, day out. No two days are the same her. There’s really nothing boring about it at all”