
Audit Assistant Manager


Who I help

Family businesses. Owner-managed businesses. Large International Groups.

How I help

Audit & Assurance services. Statutory accounts preparation.

Sectors/ Support

Oil & Gas. Energy.

“I really enjoy working with people from a variety of different backgrounds.”

Esme Mackenzie is an Audit Assistant Manager. Based in our Aberdeen office she supports her clients throughout the audit process. From planning stages right through to completion she supports as the key point of contact for her clients.

Esme supports junior members of the team to continue in their development. She does this by reviewing work, providing feedback, sharing her knowledge and experience to help them to progress and develop.

An extension of our clients’ teams

“It’s really important to me that we build strong relationships with our clients. I prioritise getting to know their businesses and their goals so I can deliver the best service that’s bespoke to what they’re trying to achieve. Taking the time to understand their business is also hugely beneficial to our audit as it helps us to adapt the way that we work to best suit them.

I don’t want them to view us as external- Instead I want them to view us as an extension of their team. Someone that’s there to support their needs. Being able to work with clients in this way enables us to work collectively as a team to complete the audit and finalise accounts for filing. Working as a team requires frequent, honest communication something I’m passionate about ensure our clients receive from us.”

Using technology to provide an efficient delivery of services

“I’m a firm believer that using technology helps us to deliver a more efficient service. In every aspect technology is an enabler as it helps us to have quicker and easier communication. AAB is continually investing in new technology; therefore, it is interesting to see how we take this technology to improve our audit services while allowing us as individuals to take more time to focus on adding value to the client’s experience.

However, it’s still very important to have face to face touchpoints where it’s possible. While technology helps us, I don’t think it should become a barrier to getting out of the office. There’s so much value that we can gain from sitting around a table with clients, it helps us to build those strong relationships. I really enjoy being on-site and in the clients’ places of business, seeing their processes first hand. This helps us to give them advice that is targeted at them and improving on what they already have.”

Communication is my greatest strength

“One of the greatest challenges I’ve found is that often the information we require from our clients is out with how they usually operate so they can be hesitant to give us that information. At this stage communication is really important to help us overcome this barrier. I take the time to explain to the client why we require this information, explaining how this information will help us to help them and then work alongside them to figure out the best way to obtain this data. I believe communication is my greatest strength. It plays such a big part in my everyday and I pride myself on having good communication with everyone I work with whether that’s our team internally or clients externally.

One of the greatest compliments I received from a client was about my responsiveness, approachability, and communication. They really emphasised how happy they were with the communication received and how this benefitted the working relationship. It was great to have this recognised by the client as it’s something I hold in high importance.”

Adding value through audits

“Audit is so often perceived as a negative- where a team of auditors come in and find errors and pass judgement on clients. That’s not the case at all. Our role is to go into their businesses and ensure their accounts are compliant. We’re also there to help them to improve their processes. As external teams we’re able to give them an outside perspective and highlight problem areas for them and give them advice about what we’re seeing other businesses do to help them make changes that will benefit their business.”