Sole Traders. Company Directors. Family Businesses. Charities. Non-Profit Making Bodies. Corporate Group Companies. Start Ups.


VAT Advisory. VAT Compliance.


A broad range of sectors.


Andrew McLeod is an Indirect Tax Manager based in our Glasgow office. He helps a variety of businesses and individuals by providing advice that supports them through projects or transactions. Andrew also handles VAT advisory and VAT compliance for his clients. This frees up their time to focus on the running of their business.


“For me, an integral part of any client relationship is having mutual trust and respect. That’s the foundation I build all my relationships on. Clients need to trust that the information I’m advising on is accurate and will help with any indirect tax complications or issues. I like to create a working environment in which a client feels they can approach me with any issue whether that be big or small, whilst knowing they will have my full support.

It’s important to me that my clients know their affairs are in capable hands. I’m genuinely interested in their goals, wants and needs as a business. I don’t want clients to blindly follow what I say and that’s why I ensure that any information I provide is clear and concise. It doesn’t help just to give clients technical jargon they can’t get their head around.”


“I enjoy solving issues that are preventing clients from getting to where they want to be. Whether it’s reconciling VAT ledgers or speaking to HMRC on their behalf. I go above and beyond to provide the best service. I want to be a sounding board for my clients. A part of any issue in its infancy to help share the burden and offer timely support.”


“I find the most satisfying aspects of my work to be achieving a positive outcome for my clients. Clients often come up against various blockers with VAT and this can vary from large complex matters to simply dealing directly with HMRC. I am there to solve these issues on their behalf. Being able to relieve the stress of VAT and its perceived difficult nuances for clients is rewarding and allows them to continue with growing/planning their business. VAT can require a translation service at times and understanding what needs to actioned, by whom and what form needs to be filled out can be overwhelming.”


“As HMRC embarks on their full transition to Making Tax Digital then it makes sense for AAB to embrace this area of work to the benefit of its employees and clients. Responding to the client’s needs is the most important part of my work and having a tailored approach to communication is key to providing the best service. I remain vigilant to changes in VAT law and tribunal outcomes to ensure the correct advice is provided after careful consideration.”


“Having the benefit of having previously worked in smaller local firms and then moving onto HMRC has given me a broad perspective of VAT compliance. Understanding HMRC timescales and pressures can be a valuable tool in preparing a client and is one of the strengths I bring to the team. Working within such an experienced team here at AAB allows me to call on a depth of knowledge and experience.”


“I am delighted to be back in practice after seven years as a civil servant. AAB was an attractive option for me and the decision to come back was not one I took lightly. I could see that AAB was a firm with ambition and I wanted to be a part of its continued growth. I wanted to join a national team and have a varied client list. AAB has a progressive approach to work life balance which is something I value highly. I enjoy being a part of a firm that invests so much effort in ensuring their staff feel empowered in their role and I take satisfaction from helping others achieve their capability collectively.”