Who I help

SME’s. Large Corporates. International Groups

How I help

Audit & Assurance. Compliance Reporting

“I go beyond an average audit to add value for clients.”

Andreas Mitchell is an Audit Manager. Based in our Edinburgh office he leads the team throughout the audit process. This means Andreas is often the point of contact for our clients, ensuring from start to finish the process is seamless and the client is able to gain value from it.

As a manager, Andreas provides guidance and leadership to junior members of the team. Their career development is important to him. As someone who joined and completed their training with AAB it’s a privilege for him that he’s able to give back and have a hand in the development of others. That’s why every training plan he creates is built around the individuals overarching career goals.

Good communication is key

“The most important part of my role is ensuring that internally and externally I’m approachable. With clients- that’s helped by establishing open and honest communication. Keeping clients appraised of project timelines and anything we find within the audit process that they need to be aware of. I deliver everything we set out to deliver and more where possible.”

The right people for the right jobs

“There’s a misconception that auditors are the bad guys- that we’re just there to go in and cause problems. Or, even worse that we’re just there to tick a couple of boxes and leave. Neither are true. We always aim to go above and beyond for our client’s it’s not about just getting it done and having another job completed.

It’s about selecting the right people with the right knowledge and experience for each and every project. It’s about seeing where we can pass on knowledge and advice from our experience in other businesses. About seeing if we can support other elements of their business as well, are there services within the Group that they can utilise if they’re struggling with a specific element. We go beyond just an average audit, we add value.”

Great learning & development opportunities

“Being part of AAB Group allows me to work with some of the most talented individuals in our field. “I have confidence in our team to deliver a great service to our clients On a personal level it also gives me aspirations. It gives me a platform to challenge myself, an opportunity to further learn and develop and continually improve.”

Technology gives us more

“Technology is an enabler. It provides us with a platform to support a wider range of clients from wherever they are. This is especially important because it means we’re able to match them with specialists who are the right fit to support them to achieve their goals.

As a Group operating across 12 different locations, technology helps us to still feel integrated and work together seamlessly even when there’s physical distance between us.

That being said the personal element is also really important. Technology is not here to replace the human interaction of delivering an audit it should complement it. Striking the balance between both is what will set us apart from our competitors. “From a delivery perspective- when clients want their audit completed on site, we’re able to do this. Also, from an internal perspective when it comes to training, learning and development there’s so much value to be gained from getting the team together in one physical place to share ideas and have that diversity of thought.”

A people-focused culture

“As someone who has experienced AAB through the years, I can happily say that one thing has never changed- the culture. People are really put first in this organisation. Their career goals, their development, and their learning. It’s all put on a pedestal both for each individual and also for the firm. The team’s development supports the growth journey of the group.

I’m excited to see where the group goes and what opportunities that will bring. I’m ambitious and I have my own career goals in mind. I can’t wait to see how I can progress them here with the support of the firm.”