
Business Advisory Senior Manager  



Owner Managed Businesses. Family Businesses.  


Business Advisory Service. Management Accounting. Quarterly and Monthly Reporting. Year End Accounts. Compliance.  


Fishing. Construction. Oil Services.  


Scott Reid is a Senior Manager within our Business Advisory team. Based in Aberdeen, he works with owner managed businesses and family businesses, mainly in the Fishing, Construction and Oil Services industries.  

As someone loyal to AAB for many years, Scott has forged really close relationships with the companies he works with. In fact, many of them feel more like friends than clients. And it’s incredible to think that he’s often been their trusted advisor, right from the early days of setting up their business, through to the time they’re thinking about retirement.  


“I’ve worked at AAB a long time and it’s a great firm to come into, especially when you’re young, because we work hard but socialise together too. I’ve made friends for life here. So, when I see new trainees coming in, it’s great to see them learning the ropes just like I did. And it gives me great satisfaction to be able to pass on some of the experience and hopefully wisdom, that I’ve gained from all my years here. Then see them grow, develop and follow their own career path.” 


“For me, the ideal relationship with a client is one where we speak regularly – whether that’s over the phone or face-to-face. Because we both get so much more out of that. It’s when I learn most about what’s going on in their business. I can get them thinking about what they want further down the line. Or make suggestions about how I can make their life easier. It does make such a difference.  

I’m not afraid to challenge my clients and I think they appreciate that approach. And just because I’ve worked with a client for ten years, I never take that for granted. I take the time to make them feel special. To give them the attention they deserve. We never say we’re the cheapest – because that’s not what we want to be. We’re here to offer a good service, at a good price and I think that’s what we deliver.” 


“Accountancy firms often don’t have the best reputation! People think that every phone call is going to be charged, or every meeting. So, I think part of my job is to win the trust and respect of my clients. Yes, we do charge fees for some of what we do, but I’m always honest and upfront about that. And the more we meet and get to know each other, the sooner they realise I’ve got their best interests at heart. And mostly, what we do is about helping people save money, not spend it!” 


“While relationships are key to what I do, that doesn’t mean I can’t help my clients embrace technology too. Over the last few years, we’ve had a real push to get more of our clients to start using cloud based software. And it’s a good job we did, as it meant we could carry on operating even throughout a pandemic. If I can help clients use tech to do things faster and more easily, then they have more time to get on with growing their business.” 

  • AAB deliver on time, every time and respond promptly to my queries and needs. I would, and have, recommended AAB to businesses who have since joined them.

    Graham Mackie, Dales Engineering Services Limited

  • Having AAB as our business partners gives me peace of mind as they listen, participate and work with us to ensure our goals are achieved.

    Gillian Irvine, NorDan

  • Commercially driven tax and financial advice provided by people who understand my business and who care about its success. A dedicated partner led team of real advisors with real commercial focus.

    Derek Smith, Maritime Developments Limited