Who I help

Privately owned businesses. Not-for-profit organisations. Charities.

How I help

External audit. Governance. Risk management.


Family business. Not for Profit.

“Collaboration allows us to strive for excellence in everything we do.”

Ross Preston is the Head of Audit and Assurance at AAB. He brings to the team a diverse range of experience and works across a variety of sectors.

As the Head of Audit and Assurance in our Leeds office, Ross is responsible for the audit team and our client proposition. Passionate about providing excellent audit and wider advisory services to a range of businesses Ross sets the overall vision for the team. He outlines where they want to be, how they’re going to achieve that and how the team can help contribute to that shared and desired outcome.

Foundations of a strong relationship

“I want my clients to feel like they can pick up the phone to call me at any time. Whether that’s to discuss an opportunity they’re considering, a problem they’ve encountered, or they need help with something sector specific. I want to be the person they come to. Their most trusted adviser.

Building strong and lasting relationships is imperative. Honesty and integrity are the foundations of a strong client relationship. I’m not just there to perform the audit and leave. I want to add value. The audit we deliver is robust and of the highest quality and the advice I give is specific to the client and their business. I want to support them, and I find providing constructive and challenging advice and recommendations adds value.

High-quality client service and high-quality audit work are achieved when we collaborate. True collaboration allows us to strive for excellence in everything we do. The building of trusting relationships with colleagues and clients facilitates great collaboration.”

Positive impact

“For me, there’s nothing better than providing support and advice to business owners that has a positive impact. To provide the right support I need to have a deep understanding of my clients’ businesses and the current issues and challenges in the sector. My sector knowledge allows me to add value to my clients through auditing-I can provide genuine insight and value through technical advice. I also discuss changes coming to the sector and what other businesses are doing to help them stay ahead of the curve. This is something my clients really value.”

One size doesn’t fit all

“There needs to be a balance of technology and hands-on. I believe in tailoring my approach for each client. It really depends on their preferences and requirements. There is no one-size-fits-all here.

It’s true that tech has enhanced the way we work and helps us to be more efficient and effective. However, I am still a big believer that face-to-face interactions are important, especially when getting to know my clients and delivering great client service.”

Happy to be disruptive

“I am ambitious and want to see the audit team expand alongside our offering and proposition in Yorkshire and throughout the group.

At AAB we are disruptive and do things differently from others. As the group continues to grow so too does the opportunity to have an impact on the changing audit market. We’re already doing this in a big way and the more we can share experiences and best practices the better. It’s an exciting time. I’m in no way afraid to shout about what we can do to get our message out there.”

Thinking outside the box

“It’s commonly assumed that an audit is nothing more than just a box-ticking exercise. That’s not the case at all. We ensure in every audit we’re adding value for clients and delivering a robust and quality audit. When we perform the audit, we’re looking to see what can be enhanced. We’re looking to see where we can make recommendations that will add value and include our sector knowledge and experience. Audits require a deep understanding of the business and its goals. Our audits are about thinking outside the box not just ticking it.”