
Operations Senior Manager


Lynn Dempster


I help our clients and the rest of our team.


I help clients with non-advice-related questions about their investment portfolio or protection cover.


Lynn Dempster is an Operations Senior Manager. Lynn’s role involves looking after the general day-to-day running of the Bishopbriggs office in Glasgow by managing relationships with suppliers and outsourcing partners. She ultimately supports the Financial Planners in delivering the best possible service to our clients.


“Trust is the key to creating a lasting relationship with clients. A client should have complete trust in us that we are acting with their best interests at the centre of what we do. I seek to ensure clients feel comfortable enough to raise any issues they have with confidence that their concerns will be listened to, and that we will do our absolute best to solve them.

Equally, our team members trust one another to do their part in delivering to clients. Working together with people you care about and who care about you is a rare thing and we are very lucky to have that. There truly is nothing better than sharing and celebrating our successes together.”


“The most satisfying aspect of my role is being able to help clients at a time in their lives when they need us most, and beyond. The support we give is long-lasting, and we aim to be a sounding board for clients throughout many different stages in their lives.

An example that stands out in my mind, a family who have been longstanding clients, approached me asking for help on how to navigate the process of making a claim under a critical illness policy. Finding out their claim had been approved was quite an emotional moment to experience with them. We never wish to see any of our clients unwell, but this does happen, and understanding the difference that the payment out to them made to their lives at a very low point reminded me of the value of what we do. Witnessing first-hand the benefits good advice can bring to a client, makes our job worthwhile, whether that be for pensions, investment or protection cover advice.”


“Being assertive is a core communication skill which I believe helps you to express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view whilst still respecting others’ rights and beliefs.  I feel comfortable to challenge how and why things are being done one way if it appears there is a more effective way to do it.

Technology automates processes and improves efficiency. It also facilitates our ability to provide clients with a tailored approach, allowing them to meet with us in a way that works best for them. However, meeting with clients in person is invaluable, especially in the early stages of getting to know them.”


“I have worked in the financial services industry for many years, initially with a large life assurance company, managing the field sales support team in Glasgow. Moving from there to the other side of the country joining a start-up team for a new life assurance company in Edinburgh. Whilst I enjoyed both of those jobs enormously, moving over to the customer-facing side of our industry in 2011, helping our clients plan for, and enjoy, their financial future is very rewarding.

I’m excited for the new challenges, and opportunities that being part of the AAB Wealth team will bring.”