
Business Advisory Senior Manager



Owner-managed Businesses. SMEs. 


Year End Accounts Compliance. Bookkeeping. Cloud Accounting.  


Oil & Gas Services. Food & Drink. Retail & Hospitality.  


Lisa Smith is a Senior Manager within our Business Advisory team. Based in Aberdeen, she handles compliance and bookkeeping work for an incredibly wide range of clients. You might find her working on literally anything from oil and gas companies, right through to property rental, jewellers and even fish and chips shops!  

As an integral part of the Cloud team, Lisa also advises clients on the technology side of how they work, introducing them to cloud-based packages like Xero. All with a focus on helping them save time and streamline their processes.  


“I want to provide my clients with an awesome service. I always try to put myself in their shoes – if I send someone an emaiI and don’t hear back from them for a few days, I wonder if they have received it. So I really try my best to respond to everyone quickly. Even if it’s just to say that I’ll get back to them with the answer they want soon. That way they know I’m on top of everything and it just brings peace of mind. That also helps me build a good relationship with my clients. And I think you really need that.” 


“The thing I love most about my job is just the sheer variety of what I get to do. I enjoy the compliance work of course, but I am grateful that I can also combine that with meeting clients and advising them on their systems. Just to be an all-round adviser. That’s what keeps it interesting and fresh. And I find the day just flies by.  

Working on the cloud side of things is good for me as I’m learning all the time. There are so many new and different features for me to find out about – and then I can pass that onto the rest of my team and my clients. So we’re all developing our skills and ‘sharing the knowledge’ – which is actually one of my catchphrases!” 


“I’m very approachable and always say ‘yes’ if people ask me to help with something – even if I’m really busy. That often means I’m a bit like a swan – it all looks calm on the top, but my legs are kicking away like mad under the surface! Luckily, I’m a very organised person and know how to prioritise my workload. I take ownership and I think that’s why people are confident to pass work on to me.” 

I take it as a real compliment when clients say things to me like, ‘Oh Lisa, you’re a lifesaver.’ I think in the past, they’ve worked with accountants who don’t come back to them, or they’ve had to wait ages for something. They’d never get that with me.”  


“If someone asks what I do for a living, and I say an accountant, I can always tell from their face that they think it sounds boring. People still have that impression that we all sit in silence on calculators – but it’s not like that at all. Once I explain I’m actually a business adviser, then it’s not so bad. And once clients get to know me and build a relationship, they start to realise that the job I do is full of variety and actually very interesting. I advise companies that are building and growing. It doesn’t get more exciting than that.”